Welcome the V2 of the Damned Pirates Society, with a completely overhauled UI!

V2 takes the core gameplay and wraps it up in a more game-like experience. You'll meet the characters, the key locations in Tortuga and begin experiencing the world that we're building for the first time. This is only the beginning!

We are soft launching here at https://v2.damnedpiratessociety.io/ so that we can fix any bugs without interrupting your voyaging experience.

This is a major step in world building - introducing the different characters and species that live in Tortuga. It gives the dapp a more game-like feel (especially when viewed in full screen, use f11).

The update is part of our iterative process which started the core voyage experience, the expanded gameplay loop and now massively upgraded visuals. We're also working on Project Mango - a pixel world you can explore in real-time rather than clicking in real time, where you can plan your voyages and set sail. We're also cooking up plenty of new mechanics and experiences to make Tortuga a central hub for the DPS universe.

Please use the #v2-ui-feedback channel in discord for any bugs and potential issues so we can get these fixed before we discontinue the current voyaging site. The website is not optimised for mobile, so mobile users will continue to be served the UI we're currently using.

Get out there and start sharing screenshots and videos of your voyages!

Davy JonesPost author

A collection of NFT's on $MOVR

Welcome to Tortuga, a place where Pirates are free to be lecherous, murderous, drunken wretches. Also where we will post our project updates.

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Welcome to Tortuga, a place where Pirates are free to be lecherous, murderous, drunken wretches. Also where we will... Show More