Rumors are swirling of another group of pirates stranded on new shores. Hoist the sails, man the oars we are going on a voyage to find out if this is true.
To prepare we need to gather our resources:
Pirates won’t...View Post
Welcome the V2 of the Damned Pirates Society, with a completely overhauled UI!
V2 takes the core gameplay and wraps it up in a more game-like experience. You'll meet the characters, the key locations in Tortuga and...View Post
What is $RUM?
Rum has been requested by the DAO and have agreed a portion of the next NFT collection as a specialised reward for people who provide liquidity for Damned Pirates Society assets. Incentivised pools will...View Post
A snapshot will be taken at 13:00 UTC on 20/04/2022. Pirates must be in port to be registered. The vote will start immediately after the snapshot.
Rocky Launch
When launching 1.5 we had a deadline, due to the team's...View Post
Welcome the Plunderers Guild
A quick thank you to the community members who’ve volunteered their time to help us test V1.5, and to the community as a whole for playing the game and providing great feedback.
When the...View Post
Community Update #3
All hands on deck
It’s been just over 3 weeks since v1 of the game went live and the team are simply amazed at the amount of people playing and the amount of time they are spending on the high...View Post
Yo-ho, ye scurvy dogs. The seas be callin’. Voyages V1 are here!
Voyages V1 arrrrrr here! In this post we’ll go into detail about what’s new, how to go on your first voyage and give you a sneak peek at what’s next...View Post
The Damned Pirates Society Present - Voyages V1
Voyages V1 will allow users to mint a FREE NFT - their Flagship. Users will be able to exchange Treasure Maps (TMAP) for Voyages. With a Pirate, a Flagship and a...View Post
The Contracts, Dapps and future artwork
It’s been a busy period for the team since our last community update, the developers have been working tirelessly with the aim of releasing sailable voyages before the new year...View Post
Randomness, expanding the team & Pirate King elections
It has been super hectic since our launch and we feel it’s about time we did our first community update. The vision for what the Damned Pirates Society and the...View Post