Monetize Every Like, Comment, And Post
Revolutionary social platform where bloggers and their followers earn together

When your followers like or comment on your posts, you earn daily token rewards

Comment and like every day! Every action you make is monetized

What Others Earn Here

How To Start Earning?
Watch the short video guideOn Grill you earn in SUB tokens that are convertible and transferable
How To Earn Tokens On The Platform

How Does It Work?
Every user who stakes at least 2000 SUB can monetize their social activity
When you like someone’s content, you earn extra rewards in SUB tokens
When someone likes your post or comment, you receive a reward
When someone likes a comment under your post, you and the comment’s author both receive a reward in the ratio of 30% to 70%
Early-Bird Benefits
The earlier you join, the lower the competition
Your content will be much more visible and attract more attention
Currently, the platform offers increased rewards for every action you take

Grow Your Community Through The Grill Audience & Monetize Existing Ones

What Our Community Says About Grill

Awesome...i just joined the platform and im loving the energy here. What a great time!😎👌

I already have 3 friends that I brought here because they asked me things that they can now read and learn for themselves. For me the best is undoubtedly the information that can be found here in an easy way if advertising at the moment and without distractions for me that is what has the most value.

PV is an excellent app to creators and to regular readers. Creators can monetize (after staking some SUB) their work forever with the reward split feature and readers can earn from their engagement on the platforms as each like of them can bring infinite rewards all this in a Decentralized manner. 👈 Is an argument that I can use to explain others how good and powerful the PV can be

So glad to be a part of such a cool community! Subsocial grows and develops 🚀 Between December 22 to January 22 Subsocial have had an over 25% growth in engagement 💪🏻 The team conducted 8 contests and giveaways and rewarded 35 Subbers with 47,500 SUB 🔥 Over 10 Subbers have also earned up to 7,000 SUB for simply engaging in discussions and giving valuable feedback 😍. It's incredible, but further - more!

A huge shoutout to you and the rest of the team for all your commitment to users feedback, ser. This kind of community engagement is what makes polkaverse so special.

I earned 668 SUB yesterday on Subsocial! Being a part of The Creator Economy is great!

Awesome...i just joined the platform and im loving the energy here. What a great time!😎👌

I already have 3 friends that I brought here because they asked me things that they can now read and learn for themselves. For me the best is undoubtedly the information that can be found here in an easy way if advertising at the moment and without distractions for me that is what has the most value.

PV is an excellent app to creators and to regular readers. Creators can monetize (after staking some SUB) their work forever with the reward split feature and readers can earn from their engagement on the platforms as each like of them can bring infinite rewards all this in a Decentralized manner. 👈 Is an argument that I can use to explain others how good and powerful the PV can be

So glad to be a part of such a cool community! Subsocial grows and develops 🚀 Between December 22 to January 22 Subsocial have had an over 25% growth in engagement 💪🏻 The team conducted 8 contests and giveaways and rewarded 35 Subbers with 47,500 SUB 🔥 Over 10 Subbers have also earned up to 7,000 SUB for simply engaging in discussions and giving valuable feedback 😍. It's incredible, but further - more!

A huge shoutout to you and the rest of the team for all your commitment to users feedback, ser. This kind of community engagement is what makes polkaverse so special.

I earned 668 SUB yesterday on Subsocial! Being a part of The Creator Economy is great!