Darwinia Crab Network Integrates with SubSquare Governance Platform

We are excited to announce that Darwinia Network has integrated SubSquare, a governance platform designed for Substrate-based blockchains!

A product of OpenSquare, SubSquare, scans and standardizes blockchain governance data. With its rich features and better user experience, SubSquare allows Crab Network members to take on an active role in network governance and helps them to:

  • Discuss: Use the built-in forum to discuss issues, improvements and propose new ideas.

  • Track and voice opinions: Track ongoing proposals/referenda and voice opinions before and during voting.

  • Vote: Use the simplified interface to quickly cast a vote.

The detailed dashboard, rich editor and mobile-friendly features of SubSquare makes it easier for anyone to participate in the decision making at https://crab.subsquare.io/and steer the development of Crab Network.

To check or vote in a referendum, make sure that you are registered or logged in to SubSquare and follow the steps below.

Important: You need to convince the community that your proposal is useful and deserves backing. Only proposals with sufficient backing from the community go to vote. For this, you need to upload a description on SubSquare and participate in the discussion.

1. Create an account

Subsquare requires an account. Make sure you’ve registered and logged-in:

2. Connect Polkadot/Kusama/Substrate account

Next, make sure you have a Web3 address (Crab wallet) linked when you view your Account in Menu -> Settings.

On-Chain Proposal

Anyone can make a proposal if they have locked enough governance tokens. This involves 2 steps:

  1. Creating the on-chain proposal Darwinia Apps

  2. Adding text/arguments/explanation to your proposal via the SubSquare Governance Platform

Step 1: Submit Proposal or Tip Request via Darwinia apps

Governance can change the runtime code as well as all sorts of parameters, and can also reward bounty hunters with Tips. The first step is to decide and summarize what kind of proposal you are about to create.

Go to Governance -> Democracy -> Submit preimage and propose the change you desire.

Step 2: Add Proposal Description

Now it is time to add the description where you will explain and argue your proposal.

1. Log into SubSquare

See above. Make sure you have connected your Substrate account!

2. Find and edit your proposal

Go to “Proposals” and select your proposal from the list.

If you connected the same Web3 account as the one you used to create the proposal, you will be able to add title and text.

Show Support for a Proposal

Once a proposal is created, governance participants are asked to support proposals.

1. Select a Proposal to Support

Go to Governance -> Democracy. If there are any ongoing proposal, you should see them listed on this page.

2. Second a Proposal

From the list of the proposal, click “Second” and in the opened module, click “Second” again to show support for the proposal.

3. Confirm

Once you signed the extrinsic in step 2, you should see your account being listed in a “Seconds” dropdown in the list of proposal.

Vote on Referenda

After a set number of blocks, the proposal with the highest backing staked governance tokens will be put up for a vote. Once a proposal is decided to be voted on, it is called a referendum.

You can see all referenda for Crab Network at https://crab.subsquare.io/democracy/referendums

1. Make Sure you are Logged-In and Linked your Account

2. Select a Referendum

First, click on the referendum you would like to vote on from the list of referenda. You will see a description for the referendum, for example the one below:

3. Vote on a Referendum

On the right side of the referendum, you see a module that will allow you to vote on the referendum with your staked governance tokens (CRAB).

To place a vote, you will send an on-chain transaction locking the staked governance tokens (CRAB) for the period of the vote. After the vote has passed, the staked governance tokens will be returned to your account.

4. Check the Voting Result

Once the voting period is over, you will see the result of the referendum in the same module that you voted through.

About Crab Network

Crab is a canary network with real economic value for Darwinia, and its positioning is similar to Polkadot’s Kusama Network. Crab Network has won the 22nd Kusama parachain slot! You can check Crab status through Polkadot{.js} ,Subscan or Subview.

Crab provides smart contract solutions based on DVM (Darwinia Virtual Machine), which is compatible with the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) paradigm at a low level. Therefore, it is easy for projects in the Ethereum ecosystem to migrate to the Crab Smart Chain. (Tips: DVM is built on Frontier with a fully EVM-compatible instruction set and an Ethereum RPC-like external interface.)

About Darwinia Network

Darwinia is a generalized light-client based message delivery network built on Substrate that’s designed to be a foundational layer for the next generation of cross-chain Dapps and games. Darwinia Network provides a highly-secure and programmable bridging framework between heterogeneous chains such as Polkadot, Ethereum, Polygon, and BSC.

Darwinia’s Light-Client Messaging Protocol (LCMP) is a powerful and easy to implement bridging solution provided by the Darwinia Universal Cross-Chain Messaging SDK, and can be used to build cross-chain Dapps such as:

  • Cross-Chain DEX: Allow users to exchange assets across multiple chains in a single transaction.

  • Lending: Allow users to pledge collateral on one chain and borrow assets on other chains.

  • Cross-Chain Asset Bridge: Development of Cross-Chain Asset Bridge integrating Darwinia Universal Cross-Chain Message SDK.

  • NFT Market: Bid on auctions taking place on another chain.

  • DAO Governance: Allow for a unified multi-chain governance mechanism without needing to move assets to a central voting chain.

  • Multi-Chain Gaming: Allow users to transfer NFTs across multiple chains.

The products and tools developed by Darwinia team have been awarded three Web3 Foundation grants and a level-2 Substrate Builders award, and are also mentioned in the Polkadot lightpaper as friends of Polkadot.

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Darwinia NetworkPost author

Darwinia Network is a highly-secure programmable cross-chain messaging infrastructure for decentralized applications. Our light-client cross-chain messaging protocol (LCMP) supports arbitrary message passing between Substrate chains, and between Substrate and EVM chains, and SDK empower developers with the tools necessary to build the next generation of Web3 applications and seamless user experiences even when transacting across multiple chains or protocols.

Darwinia as a cross-chain messaging infrastructure will facilitate the building of a hybrid cross-chain network for Polkadot.

Follow us: linktr.ee/darwinianetwork

Darwinia Network is a programmable cross-chain messaging infrastructure for decentralized applications. Our light client-based cross-chain messaging protocol (LCMP) supports arbitrary message passing between Substrate and EVM chains, and SDK empowers developers with the tools necessary to build the next generation of Web3 applications, and create seamless user experiences, even when transacting across multiple chains.

Follow us: linktr.ee/darwinianetwork


Darwinia Network is a programmable cross-chain messaging infrastructure for decentralized applications. Our light... Show More