Kusama Playground Gets an Upgrade: Enter Coretime (Thursday, April 18)

And with the passing of Referendum 375, coretime will be enabled tomorrow (Thursday, 18 April) at block 22_793_600.

πŸ› Check Referendum (PASSED): πŸ‘‡

From Crowded Chaos to Fair Play: How Coretime Benefits Kusama

With the passing of Referendum 375, Coretime goes live tomorrow (Thursday, April 18th) at block 22,793,600 on the Kusama Network.

But what exactly is Coretime?

Imagine you have a giant playground with lots of fun things to do, like swings, slides, and a sandbox. This playground is the Kusama Network.

Now, there are only so many kids who can play on the equipment at once, yes? Otherwise, it gets crowded and nobody has fun. Coretime is like having your own special turn on the equipment. It's the amount of time you get to play on the swings, slide down the slide, or dig in the sandbox before it's someone else's turn.

In Kusama, there are special programs called parachains that want to use the network for things grown-ups call "applications." Coretime is how long these parachains get to use the network to do their cool stuff.

Kusama used to be like having a set playtime for everyone, but now it's more flexible. You can choose to have a long turn (bulk coretime) if you know you want to play for a while, or you can just have a quick turn (on-demand coretime) if you're just trying something out. This way, more kids (parachains) can get a chance to play on the fun playground (Kusama Network).

Kusama is known for being a wild canary network where parachains are being battle-tested before going live in Polkadot. Now that Coretime is live, what groundbreaking parachain projects do you expect to see emerge on Kusama first?

Share your thoughts on this. πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Cheers! 🍺

πŸ› Check Referendum (PASSED):

β€œThis is a referendum to send a set of calls to the Coretime chain that will configure the Broker pallet and start Coretime sales.”

β€” Joe

Wavin GoodPost author

They call me a-not-so-Dr. Wavin Good. Blockchain architect by accident, an aspiring music-visualizing maestro, a chef of slightly-burnt midnight ramen, and my love for beer is as bubbly and persistent as a hard fork on a Friday night.

Co-founded Ethereum, birthed Polkadot, and still chases shiny tech like a Bitcoin-hangover canary with a crypto itch.

I don't pretend to have all the answers, friends. This blockchain lark is a messy business, like wrangling cats in a mosh pit. But hey, at least the beer's always cold, the code keeps me warm, and who knows, maybe one day we'll build a future where everyone can raise a glass to a decentralized pint of freedom.

Cheers! 🍺


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They call me a-not-so-Dr. Wavin Good. Blockchain architect by accident, an aspiring music-visualizing maestro, a chef... Show More