Polkadot dApp errors when handling accounts supplied by the Polkadot.js Extension

I wanted to register the luke.sub Subsocial Username on Polkaverse.

I was using the latest Brave version 1.62.153.

I tried to register luke.sub for 10k SUB tokens.

After I clicked the "Register" button it displayed error:

In the browser inspector it displayed an error that is likely an event decoding error in the API relating to Subsocial accounts where events are defined by the runtime and the types should match.

I was able to register the Subsocial Username using Firefox browser instead.

After buying the Subsocial Username, if I go to https://polkaverse.com/dd, click "Manage" and click "Username for your space" , it says "PolkaVerse supports Subsocial Usernames, allowing you to use your domain as a username. You can see the full link below.", and shows https://polkaverse.com/@luke since in my Polkaverse Profile my "Space Name" was "luke".

But if I actually go to that link https://polkaverse.com/@luke it shows error 404 Space not found..

Interestingly the above mentioned error is the same browser inspect error that I encounter when I try to connect my Polkadot.js Extension wallet to Zeitgeist at https://app.zeitgeist.pm.

Uncaught Error: Expected a valid key to convert, with length 1, 2, 4, 8, 32, 33

I reported the bug in Discord back in April 2023 as shown below, which prompted them to create a Github issue here.

I had also encountered the error when trying to connect my Polkadot.js Extension to Singular RMRK dapp at https://singular.app at around the same time, and reported it to the Polkadot.js Extension maintainer @jacogr here.

They promptly responded verifying the issue confirming it is related to the actual dapps, not the Polkadot.js Extension which simply supplies all the accounts to the dapps, so the Subsocial, Zeitgeist and Singular RMRK teams would need to try to re-create the issue on their specified dapps with accounts to resolve the issue in their account handling code.

lukePost author

Sharing my journey building dapps, parent bounty curating, beta testing Substrate-based dapps across the ecosystem, scrutineering proposals across OpenGov, building standard tooling and templates for the ecosystem, and contributing to Polkadot and Kusama core development.


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Sharing my journey building dapps, parent bounty curating, beta testing Substrate-based dapps across the ecosystem... Show More