Transcript of Darwinia Network CMO Bree's AMA in Celer Network Telegram

This is the Celer AMA with our CMO Bree Yin here she explains how Darwinia Networks works, how Evolution Land and Crab Network ties in with Darwinia.

YY|Celer Network - Hello everyone! I'm very glad that everyone can gather in the Celer Chinese community to participate in the "Celer Cross-Chain Series Sharing" AMA event! It has been almost 2 months since the "Celer Cross-Chain Series Sharing" activity. We hope to let the community know more about our cooperation with various partners and the development status of the track where they are located, and share their opinions on the track and the entire district. Thinking of the blockchain industry to help us build a richer community culture and popularize the latest industry information.

Today's activity is mainly divided into three parts: 1. Interview question and answer (20 minutes); 2. Free question and answer (20 minutes); 3. Prize answer (5 minutes).

Darwinia Network is a decentralized heterogeneous chain cross-chain bridge network developed based on Substrate, focusing on realizing asset cross-chain business in a trustless mode, including token exchange, Defi, NFT trading market, games, etc. The Darwin network can provide key infrastructure for upgrading single-chain applications to cross-chain versions, so as to achieve complete trustlessness, complete cross-chain transaction information verification and asset control.

On April 14th, Celer cBridge cooperated with Crab Smart Chain to support cross-chain transfers between Ethereum and Crab Smart Chain using $USDT and $USDC.

On April 15th, Celer cBridge cooperated with Evolution Land to support users to conduct high-speed and low-cost cross-chain transfers of $RING between Ethereum, Crab Smart Chain, Polygon and HECO through cBridge.

Today we invited Darwin's CMO, Bree @Bree_Yin, to the Celer Chinese community to introduce myself and give you a detailed introduction to Darwin Network and what kind of project is it? What kind of problem was solved? Bree Yin|Darwinia Network CMO - Darwinia Network is a general-purpose cross-chain messaging network that provides dapp developers with a programmable cross-chain messaging framework based on super-light clients and provides redundant security verification. Darwinia has received 3 web3 grants from Polkadot and was written into the Polkadot light white paper.

YY|Celer Network - What is Evolution Land and Crab Smart Chain? What exactly do these two projects do? And How do they relate to Darwinia network?

Bree Yin|Darwinia Network CMO - Evolution Planet is a defi+nft cross-chain game with 26 continents. Currently, five continents such as Ethereum, polygon and crab have been launched, and the BSC continent will be launched soon.

Game farm defi apr 200%+, healthy and stable economic system has been running since 2018, 20+ projects have purchased NFT land and settled in Evolution Planet, one of the top 5 NFT games in 2021.

PvP gameplay is also open to any NFT project, which NFT holders you are, you can recommend to cooperate with Evolution Planet, play directly, play to earn

Crab is Darwinia's first network, an EVM chain suitable for game development.

YY|Celer Network - As a project of Polkadot ecology, at a time when major public chain projects are blooming and problems are frequent, I would like to ask Bree to share with you the current status of Polkadot ecology and your views on the future development of Polkadot ecology?

Bree Yin|Darwinia Network CMO - Dr Gavin Wood does not actually focus on the cross-chain of the evm chain. Instead, directly handles the blockchain complexity, and lets web3 builders focus on application landing.

Focusing on the web3 era, when all chains become Substrate chains. He firmly chooses Polkadot ecology, proposed by web3 Dr gavin wood. Keep building!

YY|Celer Network – Okay, we officially launched the Celer Message Cross-Chain Framework (Celer IM) mainnet last month. In addition to the regular token cross-chain, what other cooperation do you think Darwinia and Celer IM can carry out in the future?

Bree Yin|Darwinia Network CMO - For the next security upgrade, Darwinia will focus on handling complex bridge message delivery services without taking over any bridge assets. The previous Wormhole will be separated from Darwinia. As part of the Darwinia ecosystem, it will be renamed Helix and will no longer handle the underlying complex bridge message delivery services. Bridge assets will be managed by Helix, and the cross-chain bridge will aggregate its focus on the safe storage and security of assets. deliver. Helix is ​​stricter and more careful in the selection of the underlying bridge message service, with additional effective security assessment, and selects safe and reliable high-quality services, including but not limited to Darwinia bridge network. Helix will also adhere to an open and cooperative attitude, strengthen collaboration and security research with partners and upstream and downstream service providers, and will focus on NFT cross-chain and aggregating high-quality asset bridge service providers in the early stage, carefully hosting user assets. Hope to integrate cBridge and Celer IM services

YY|Celer Network - What is the focus of Darwinia's development this year? How to arrange the cross-chain field? In the sluggish market environment, what do you think are the current and future challenges in the cross-chain field?

Bree Yin|Darwinia Network CMO - In addition to bridge message networks. The key point is Crab network, as a game EVM chain, to help Polkadot's game ecology.

Challenges: In the past year, with the development of bridge networks, bridge safety accidents have occurred frequently in the industry, and each accident has caused bridge asset losses to varying degrees. Darwinia attaches great importance to these safety issues in the industry, and has specially organized many meetings to discuss and analyze the causes of accidents

Solutions include:

The light client-based message verification and delivery service is more decentralized than MPC multi-signature and other solutions, and its security is the same as that of the bridge chain.

The target end adds a filter component to filter and verify source chain messages to strengthen the security of cross-chain message identification.

The self-created fee-market, a market-based mechanism for message delivery costs, guarantees the reliability of message delivery. Without the participation of a centralized relayer, anyone can participate in the message delivery service and receive incentives from it.

Merkelize the message to ensure the security verification of message delivery, and at the same time effectively reduce the cost of message verification.

YY|Celer Network - OK, one last question! Are there any recent interesting market events in Darwin that you can share with users of the Celer community?

Bree Yin|Darwinia Network CMO -

Tomorrow's twitter space invited the official head of Polkadot's technical education

Visiting the Darwin Community

Welcome to interact with Polkadot official face to face!

Audiences Questions – As an ordinary user, how can I participate in the Darwinia network’s project? How does it benefit the most?

Bree Yin|Darwinia Network CMO - You can come to play the evolution planet game, APR above 200%

Audiences Questions – How does Darwinia's game attract new players?

Bree Yin|Darwinia Network CMO – PvP gameplay is open to any nft holder to play, as long as you have nft, you can play without buying the apostle of the planet

Audiences Questions – In addition, it is said that the Darwinia team has a very solid background. Could you please introduce it a little?

Bree Yin|Darwinia Network CMO – Darwinia has obtained 3 Polkadot web3 grants and was written into the official partner of the white paper.

Audiences Questions – How do we join the Darwinia community? And what benefits does Darwinia give to the community members in the future?

Bree Yin|Darwinia Network CMO – Join our Channels

Audiences Questions – What characteristics does Polkadot have to attract the Darwinia team to operate in the ecosystem?

Bree Yin|Darwinia Network CMO – Substrate is a very cutting-edge development framework.

Five questions have been answered.

YY|Celer Network - Thanks Bree for your answer!

Bree Yin|Darwinia Network CMO – Thank you celer community for the invitation

YY|Celer Network - Thank you Bree for your wonderful answers, we will ask two questions related to Darwinia and Celer.

First Question - What assets can be cross-chain bridged between Ethereum and Crab Smart Chain through cBridge?

Answer - $USDT $USDC $RING

Question 2 - Please say as much as possible about Darwinia's ecological projects in 3 minutes~

Audience Response – EVOLUTION LAND Helix Crab Smart Chain token exchange, defi, nft trading, games CBRIDGE, WORMHOLE Evolution Planet

Darwinia NetworkPost author

Darwinia Network is a highly-secure programmable cross-chain messaging infrastructure for decentralized applications. Our light-client cross-chain messaging protocol (LCMP) supports arbitrary message passing between Substrate chains, and between Substrate and EVM chains, and SDK empower developers with the tools necessary to build the next generation of Web3 applications and seamless user experiences even when transacting across multiple chains or protocols.

Darwinia as a cross-chain messaging infrastructure will facilitate the building of a hybrid cross-chain network for Polkadot.

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Darwinia Network is a programmable cross-chain messaging infrastructure for decentralized applications. Our light client-based cross-chain messaging protocol (LCMP) supports arbitrary message passing between Substrate and EVM chains, and SDK empowers developers with the tools necessary to build the next generation of Web3 applications, and create seamless user experiences, even when transacting across multiple chains.

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Darwinia Network is a programmable cross-chain messaging infrastructure for decentralized applications. Our light... Show More