Helix Bridge | October Highlights
To keep you up to date on Helix’s latest progress, below is a list of updates and newly supported bridges in the last month.
- With the Ethereum 2.0 Merge, Helix launched the first asset bridge using light clients between Ethereum2.0 <> Substrate, powered by Darwinia’s LCMP (light-client cross-chain messaging protocol). Helix supports direct bridging between Darwinia Smart Chain and Ethereum 2.0 for RING and WRING.
- Launched the Claim Tool for the deprecated bridge (Substrate to Ethereum v1) Darwinia Chain <> Ethereum, which allows users to claim their RINGs and KTONs that were previously bridged with Darwinia Chain <> Ethereum, but have not yet been claimed.
- UI/UX optimization on Transfer Page: Adjusted token selector to make it easier for users to choose chains and tokens.
- Completed solo chain to parachain token bridge v2 solution design, deployed it to testnet & debugged. Darwinia Chain <> Darwinia Parachain for $RING deployment is expected to come soon. The new version uses contracts to communicate with the parachain from the solo chain, and perform storage pruning.
- Completed registration and verification of $xWCRAB on Darwinia Smart Chain. Now that testing is finished, Helix will support bridging $CRAB between Crab Smart Chain and Darwinia Smart Chain. Compared to the previous bridge from Darwinia Smart Chain to Crab Smart Chain, $CRAB native token transfers are now supported.
- Optimized the design of the Transfer and Explorer Pages, and Transaction Detail Page. With the new design, users will be able to perform transfers easily, use the Explorer Page to view all transactions and personal transfer history, and conveniently follow the progress of the transaction and perform related actions on the Transaction Details Page.
Contract Audit
Completed internal audit of asset-bridge-related contracts below.
- https://github.com/helix-bridge/contracts/blob/master/helix-contract/contracts/mapping-token/v2/erc20-mapping-protocol/Erc20Sub2EthBacking.sol
- https://github.com/helix-bridge/contracts/blob/master/helix-contract/contracts/mapping-token/v2/erc20-mapping-protocol/Erc20Sub2EthMappingTokenFactory.sol
During the contract audit, we checked for possible security vulnerabilities and found no major security issues, and made some gas optimization.
About Helix
Helix is an aggregator of strictly selected bridges, providing a seamless and secure user experience for transferring assets between chains.
Darwinia Network is a highly-secure programmable cross-chain messaging infrastructure for decentralized applications. Our light-client cross-chain messaging protocol (LCMP) supports arbitrary message passing between Substrate chains, and between Substrate and EVM chains, and SDK empower developers with the tools necessary to build the next generation of Web3 applications and seamless user experiences even when transacting across multiple chains or protocols.
Darwinia as a cross-chain messaging infrastructure will facilitate the building of a hybrid cross-chain network for Polkadot.
Follow us: linktr.ee/darwinianetwork
Darwinia Network is a programmable cross-chain messaging infrastructure for decentralized applications. Our light client-based cross-chain messaging protocol (LCMP) supports arbitrary message passing between Substrate and EVM chains, and SDK empowers developers with the tools necessary to build the next generation of Web3 applications, and create seamless user experiences, even when transacting across multiple chains.
Follow us: linktr.ee/darwinianetwork