Hyper Club Spotlight - dank

Today we want to introduce to you dank; he is in charge of the project growth and the co-founder of the Hyper Club.

dank has emerged into the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem. He is an investor, NFT lover, and a founder.

Look at our interview with him below to learn more about dank and the Hyper Club.


How did you come up with the idea about the Hyper Club?

Oh, it's an exciting story. At first sight, it all happened by accident.

Rich and I have known each other since we were kids. I remember us playing in the same sandbox and riding our bikes ๐Ÿ˜† We grew up, and destiny took us in different directions. Rich has been involved in music and creativity his whole life. I was looking for myself and always trying new things. In 2016, I got interested in blockchain technology. Since then, all I've been passionate about is the crypto market and technology.

So, in the summer of 2021, my buddy and I were walking around town and chatting. That day he showed me Rich and Replvy's collaboration "Music Comrades". I was pretty impressed because these were NFTs! Here it is, Mass adoption, I thought at that time. People don't understand all these tokens and blockchains. Art and music are other stories. It's more tangible. You can't touch it, but you see it, hear it, and feel it. I ignored it that day.

Afterward, Rich and I contacted each other a couple of times. He asked me questions about the crypto market, technology, and the NFT. It turned out that he was serious.

Then, one day, we finally decided to meet up and discuss everything. Rich told me that they had already released a couple of collections on Singular, and they were even reposted by @Bruno himself with the words "Keep kicking ass". ๐Ÿ˜† Rich was really into the "Kusama slots" collection. Back then, Rich didn't even know who Bruno was. :D

So, after our conversation, we realized that it was not a coincidence that we met each other after 20 years, and we decided to found the Hyper Club.

How well do you know Polkadot and Kusama?

I do know them very well! And I'm a huge Polkadot and Kusama fan. I've been following the ecosystem from the beginning. I've held DOT from $1.5-4 and KSM from $2-50.

The most significant portion of my portfolio is allocated in DOT. It was clear to me back then that Polkadot would screw everyone, and I didn't miss a beat.

According to Electric Capital, Polkadot and Kusama currently have the largest number of developers in the ecosystem.

This is the primary success indicator for me.

And when did you find out about RMRK and Kanaria?

That was when they were selling Kanaria eggs. I watched their presentation and researched the technology. It was love at first sight thing.

But seriously. The most important thing about NFT and Metaverse is the community. Kanaria has one of the best and most active communities in WEB3. The same thing I could say about the entire Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem.

How would you describe the Hyper Club?

I like to compare Hyper Club to Kusama. Wildness, speed, and openness. These are three words to describe HC.

So, we aim to be the biggest community of content creators. Currently, we have only about 7-10 artists, designers, and developers on the team. It is hard to imagine what would happen if 100 or 1000 people had the same goal. It is going to be content of another level.

Not a single centralized company can produce the content of that quality that a decentralized community of authors can produce. This is not a question of money. It's about the freedom of creativity, people, and ideas.

Did you say, developers? What are the plans of the Hyper Club? Alpha to share?

We have developers, and we have big plans.

Let me tell you:

This will show people what the RMRK 2.0 protocol is capable of. We are also in touch with the RMRK 2.0 developers. We'll surprise you. We started making our own metaverse!

There are a lot of exciting things in the long-term plans. First, we want to organize a party for all Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem fans on KaosLand. KaosLand (Bitcountry) is for us like Kusama (open, free, for people, and without rules) - This is what suits us.

Let's meet in there, friends of the NFT Universe.

For further information, follow us on Twitter and Discord.


Thank you for taking the time for this interview. We wish you a lot of success in the future.

About the Hyper Club

To find out more about the hyper club, check out this Twitter thread; they're Welcome video on youtube or join their Discord server.

Greetings to all beautiful souls in that space and beyond.

aemonkPost author

Web3 is the future!

All Things NFTs (ATN) is a space where we want to represent NFT Projects and Artists in the Dotsama space.


All Things NFTs (ATN) is a space where we want to represent NFT Projects and Artists in the Dotsama space.