Latest on DotSwap - February 2023
- The name is decided: DotSwap
What is it?
A DEX on the common goods parachain Statemint (& Statemine) on Polkadot, with these goals:
- Provide DOT liquidity against external tokens: BTC, ETH, KSM, USDT, USDC
- yes, USDC is coming to Statemint
- Enable Sufficient assets: Onboarding to Polkadot without owning DOT
- bring your own gas: pay fees in any sufficient asset
- Allow other DOT-bound pairs
- Mechanics
- Exchange commission of 0.3% goes to LPs
- Uniswap V1-like: only XYK curve planned, nothing fancy
- only pairs against DOT
- Tokens
- Parachains can register their native assets on Statemint
- permissionless pool creation
- BridgeHub as a message router
- Logistics
- Audit by SRLabs
- Runtime upgrade expected in Q2
* But: The prediction market thinks differently
- Parity only builds pallets, they won’t offer a UI
- anyone is invited to create one
- think grants
- Will it be on Kusama too
- “yes”, and “likely”
- Are there already deals with market makers
- but, it is permissionless, anyone can do it
- Incentives? (Discussion)
- Other tokens?
- Will provide much-needed liquidity relief
- Resistance is futile. It will be “the monopoly” in the mid-term and it will command the flow
- It will be a net positive for the ecosystem
- DEXes have a more challenging time now, fearing “the monopoly”
- They will have to provide superior value to traders and liquidity providers
- This creates a tectonic power shift, as a lot of attention now goes into how to work with it
- Lots of implications in fields like capital onboarding flows, XCM use cases, potential liquidity reuse
- Prediction: Statemint will become a trusted intermediary and settlement chain (Tweet, Forum)
Open Questions
- Would DOT incentives put DOT at risk of becoming a security?
- Can the Treasury become a liquidity provider and hold protocol-owned liquidity?
- Can LP be reused cross-chain?
- With XCM V3 Remote Locking?
- synchronicity is the key problem
Further Reading
Alice und BobPost author
Alice und Bob take in-depth looks at the Kusama and Polkadot ecosystem. They make complicated facts understandable for the broader community.
Alice und Bob take in-depth looks at the Kusama and Polkadot ecosystem. They make complicated facts understandable for the broader community.