Q1 22 updates and announcement of a new proposal

This week we delivered the first alpha version of our website with the Member Explorer and the Cyborg Guide, you can check it out here.

In the coming weeks we will work on:

  • Fixing some issues in the alpha version e.g. scroll down on Cyborg Guide sometimes doesn't appear
  • Improving the mobile version. The website is already responsive, but some adjusments are needed
  • Releasing new features for the alpha version like bidding, vouching and candidate voting

Quick recap

These updates are possible because Motion #186 was approved back in 2020. In a nutshell, Motion #186 is a development plan for the society that includes: building a narrative, designing and deploying a brand, implementing social media and communications strategy and developing the website. Let's recap what we already did:

And now, we want to announce a new proposal for social media that includes an exclusive NFT drop for society members!

New proposal

We are thrilled to annonunce that the new proposal is a collaboration proposition between KappaSigmaMu and one of the greatest singer-songwriters of all time, Gilberto Gil! Never heard of him? No problem, we attached a document to the proposal that sums up why he's not only an incredible artist, but an avid activist for open source technologies and free digital societies.

In this section below you can read a short description, also present in the proposal:

Happiness is Made of Metal: A partnership between Gilberto Gil and KappaSigmaMu

This proposal aims to achieve a brand activation for KappaSigmaMu during Gilberto Gil's 80th birthday. Gilberto Gil is one of the greatest singer-songwriters of all time and an avid activist for open source technologies and free digital societies. We scheduled 2 days with him to scan his body using volumetric image capture techniques to generate a 3D model. The 3D model will be composed of a set of raw materials that will be used to create, mint and distribute an exclusive NFT for society members; and to create a dedicated page based on the Member Explorer page on our website where we will replace the 3D canary with Gil’s bust, telling his history and its relation to KappaSigmaMu. We believe this proposal can be the first of many others transforming cultural symbols into digital assets that can synergize and add value to the Society.

Let us know what you think about the new proposal here in the comments or in our lounge on Element.

Lauro GripaPost author

Posts, updates & other resources from Kappa Sigma Mu: The human blockchain experiment.


Posts, updates & other resources from Kappa Sigma Mu: The human blockchain experiment.