A Rabbit Hole

Its been almost three months since i've started dipping my feet into the whole crypto currency/ blockchain landscape, and to be honest, its been quite a ride. Obviously, just like every other person who has no background in finance or tech, the learning curve in understanding these concepts may take some time.

All the research, endless readings, and clients that have been given to me by my new job has thrown me straight into a rabbit hole of concepts, theories, and ideas. Its comparable to being in a well-lit city and as you look to your left, you see a big LED billboard sign that says "CONGRATS ON FINDING YOUR WAY HERE, SOMEHOW. YOU HAVE TO BE HERE" with this being said, it just basically means that im grateful to have come across this industry at this point in time. It may be later than most, but i honestly think that we are at the early stages of this industry. Im no expert in technology or anything, but it really doesnt take a genius to know that this is something that is going to blow out of proportion in the next 10-20 years.

And by then, its still going to be a rabbit hole of endless ideas and possibilities.

3rV7gd…PYcfpVPost author

Representation of my mind.

I will probably talk about my journey in the crypto/blockchain industry, creating arts in different mediums, and my love for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

by Papayasoak


Representation of my mind. I will probably talk about my journey in the crypto/blockchain industry, creating arts in... Show More