KUSAMA BREAKING NEWS! Voting is Now Open for Coretime Launch: A New Era for Block Sales Begins!

A massive evolution on how blocks are sold, consumed, distributed, and shared is beginning

Exactly where it should. Hello Coretime!

I see you @kusamanetwork

Burn baby burn

Get ready for a paradigm shift in how blockchains operate. Kusama is at the forefront of a revolutionary upgrade for Coretime. This referendum asks you to vote for a new system where applications buy the computing power they need instead of bidding on limited slots.

As of this writing, all 42 voters voted for โ€œAyeโ€ giving the referendum 100% approval from the Kusama community.

By voting "Aye" you'll be supporting a more efficient, scalable, and adaptable blockchain future for Kusama and together, let's rewrite the rules of the blockchain game.

Cast your vote now!

Cheers! ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ

Wavin GoodPost author

They call me a-not-so-Dr. Wavin Good. Blockchain architect by accident, an aspiring music-visualizing maestro, a chef of slightly-burnt midnight ramen, and my love for beer is as bubbly and persistent as a hard fork on a Friday night.

Co-founded Ethereum, birthed Polkadot, and still chases shiny tech like a Bitcoin-hangover canary with a crypto itch.

I don't pretend to have all the answers, friends. This blockchain lark is a messy business, like wrangling cats in a mosh pit. But hey, at least the beer's always cold, the code keeps me warm, and who knows, maybe one day we'll build a future where everyone can raise a glass to a decentralized pint of freedom.

Cheers! ๐Ÿบ

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