New listing on DotMarketCap: UniLend Finance

Project Introduction

UniLend is a permission-less decentralized protocol that combines spot trading services and money markets with lending and borrowing services through smart contracts.

Project Highlight

With a great response from the Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon Network now UniLend aims to enter into the Polkadot ecosystem to enable its permissionless lending and flash loan protocol and upcoming V2 with its flagship protocol having Lending and Borrowing alongwith Flash Loans enable for the polkadot ecosystem projects so that everyone can participate in DeFi ecosystem seamlessly

Project History

UniLend Finance is the brainchild of the CEO & Founder Chandresh

Aharwar (Ex VP Marketing Matic Network) with a mission to bring all the tokens to the DeFi Ecosystem. UniLend Aims to bring all the tokens to the DeFi where most of the DeFi protocols limits to support 20/30 tokens only.

Within a month of the announcement of the ideation UniLend Finance got great response from everywhere by completing raise of $3.1 Million in seed and presale rounds.

Within short term UniLend listed on world's biggest exchange Binance as well. UniLend's Lending and Flash Loans protocol already running from last 6 months without any security breach and having audited by Certik and running on 3 major chains now aka Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon Network (previously Matic Network)

Team Members

1 - Chandresh Aharwar

Co-founder & CEO

Previously Strategy & Marketing at

2 - Suryansh Kumar

Co-founder & CTO

Previously Co-founder at metatransact

3 - Tarun Malik

Co-founder & CPO

Previously Co-founder at metatransact

4 - Ayush Garg

Marketing & Ops Lead

Previously Marketing Uber Technologies

5 - Vishal Kothari

Community Lead

To learn more, check the link below:



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