BitCountry Roadmap reveal & more

Bit.Country just released their roadmap to update some upcoming initiatives, including:

- Odyssey Campaign.

- NUUM TGE timeframe.

- @bitavatar_io – the new and improved avatar system for users.

- Primary space feature for #Metaverses.

Participants from the Metaverse Odyssey NUUM Event at Tokensoft can try their luck with Daily Spin to win $NEER tokens at:

Complete these tasks to join:

- Create your BitAvatar

- Follow BitAvatar

- Share your avatar on Twitter - - Learn today's knowledge: Kaosland

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PolkaWarriors - A non-profit & unofficial worldwide community of $DOT hodlers., we aims to promote and educating the community with our knowledge and skills


PolkaWarriors - A non-profit & unofficial worldwide community of $DOT hodlers., we aims to promote and educating the... Show More