Polkadot Digest 6 Sep 2023

Polkadot News

A new parachain lease auction has begun, and Energy Web is currently in the lead. The Ending Period will begin in approximately 36 hours. https://parachains.info/auctions

There are now 32 open Referenda up for vote on Polkadot OpenGov. https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Fpolkadot-rpc.dwellir.com#/referenda

Did you miss Monday’s Polkadot Roundup, describing what’s happening in the broader Polkadot ecosystem? You can read it here: https://twitter.com/Polkadot/status/1698807488856883410

Sub0, the Polkadot Developers’ Conference, is coming 19 - 20 September. You can register for free to watch online here: https://www.polkadot.network/ecosystem/events/sub0/

Kusama News

With three and a half days left in the current parachain lease auction, Virto Network has been in the lead the entire Ending Period. https://parachains.info/auctions/kusama

Bill LaboonPost author

Bill's Space

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