Polkadot Digest 23 Jan 2025
Polkadot News
Interested in helping the Polkadot community grow by hosting meetups? Polkadot Roots is accepting applications to help you do so. https://x.com/dotevents%5F/status/1881382674515845533
Polkadot Blockchain Academy is coming to Luzern, Switzerland, 24 Mar - 10 April. For more information and to apply, you can see here: https://polkadot.academy/pba-campus/
Referendum 1339, proposing to force upgrade the Parallel parachain, is currently passing with 99.3% in favor and three days left to vote. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1339
Kusama News
Referendum 484, proposing to increase the maximum number of parachain validators from 500 to 600, is passing almost unanimously. https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/484
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