The Proof of Punks: Using BlockNG to stake LAW Punk NFTs

Staking LawPunk NFTs was not the only option to earn $LAW, as BEAM has EDENS ZERO live. The Edens Zero staking pool allows users to earn LAW risk free, with high APR single asset staking. I didn't had much BCH to start with, and the amount of low was also low. I earned 0.26 LAW in 10 days, not enough to even bother keeping checking for updates.

I minted my two LAWPunks NFTs when only one third was covered in the minting process, paying 0.02 Bitcoin Cash. I didn't knew how much I will regret minting only 2 NFTs, specially when the price went quickly 10x.

They sold out and the floor price for common human NFTs went to 0.11 BCH, 10 times more then the minting price. Only 649 owners for 10,000 NFTS, which makes me think that some aped into the project with lesser research (or no research at all).

When Proof of Punk was integrated, was time to see how much the NFTs will learn. Each NFT had mining power, used as hashrate to earn LAW. I staked my 3 punks in the first day of PoK and the results are above expectations.

My Hash Rate was 31.079, earning a share of the 1.731 LAW minted for each new block. Back in the days, this mining rate was creating nearly 10 LAW per day.

It got even better, as I borrowed two more punks to make a full team. The hash rate grew to 50 but I noticed I was earning less than the first week. What happened?

I found an answer to my question after clicking on the staking dashboard. The hash rate grew to 50.00 but the block reward went done to 1.1 LAW per block, considerably lower than the 1.75 from few days ago.

I always said that we must also be supporters for the projects we are investors. This mentality was the reason I chose to stake $PRE on Presearch, making most of the Punk NFTs related searches directed to BlockNG. See below the results after 2 days of staking keywords! An in-depth article about BlockNG is available on Pox - SmartBCH Spotlights : BlockNG & LAW Punks

Residual Income:

Games: Upland / Splinterlands / Doctor Who

Cashback Cards: Plutus Card /

ZCash: PipeFlare / GlobalHive

Publishing bundle: Publish0x, Hive & Presearch

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