My Splinterlands Remarkable Journey - Kei, The Baron's Bounty, Glint and Conflicts

I am working hard to build a remarkable legacy on Splinterlands, but is not that easy to do as it is to chat! The new rewards system helped me to progress further than expected, and the Glint rewards keep coming.

On the Conflicts side of the Splinterlands... I am still not good enough. I boosted my chanced but still waiting for my first card rewarded through the system. Will this be as remarkable as my PvP journey or will leave a sour taste?

If you're new to Splinterlands... you're missing the best strategic multiplayer game powered by digital-collectible trading card game! Lots of fancy words so lets make it simple ... you try to create the most optimal 7-card deck to fight against opponents.

My grad desire is to earn at least one airdrop card through Conflicts! Nothing from the first two, and I considerably boosted my chances for the third one! ! I splashed the cash and got a big bag of VOUCHERS, plus a decent amount of $DEC, and got 10 packs and fresh war wagons.

Did the 6,550 HR made a difference? I got 37 chances to get Venka the Vile but this was still low! The gods of random were looking the other way, and another conflict passed without rewards.

The 4th of the series comes with sorrow and low expectations, as we are mourning the loss of Commander Goff! However, there's no time for grief ... the legions have besieged Solace in an attempt to retake the city.

The battle system was changed, and the new and remarkable system will help all the battle mages to benefit from higher level cards at all levels of play. Winning battle will generate Glint, and the amount will get bigger throughout the season based on multipliers.

What's Glint? The new currency for ranked play, which can be used in the shop to buy all kind of stuff. You earn Glint daily depending on the wins, and then a big bunch at the end of the season... based on the overall performance!

It was a big update, and I had to quickly adapt to the changes. I did well to be honest, and exceeded my expectations! I reached Diamond I for the first time ever, and earned 12,392 Glint!

Spent some on Merits, restocked on potions and wasted most on poor drops! I done the math and calculated the way forward. I spend 1000 Glint for a Veteran Draw, which has the most balanced price - reward ratio, and got the potions ready. You can now buy them with Glint, same for Merits, energy and titles.

Clicked on the card and it started to shake! Legendary! Ava the Undaunted landed in my deck, the archer that faced the Chaos Legion with swiftness. The story says that she earned the moniker “the Undaunted” for her courage, determination, and calm in battle.

She is an expert sniper and modified her crossbow to fire two bolts without having to reload, placing a bolt through her enemy's eye at two hundred paces. Ava joined the Riftwatchers and fought to tell the story!

First and foremost of the changes is that limitations around the different leagues for ranked battles are completely removed! This means that the player's league will simply be a cosmetic, visual indicator of the rating range that they are currently in.

Cosmetic or not... I've done a remarkable jump during last season! I've reached the next tier glory... Champion III! The progress was also visible on the bag of Glint I had claimed at the end, with 14,144 in the reward pile!

Restocked on potions and spent the Glint in a more mindful way. Bought two sets of five Veteran draws, using all batch one. The cost for the next ten increased by 500, from 1000 to 1500 Glint.

First batch of five was poor, but the second paid off! I got the epic Thane Newsong and four Eternan Brune! Not bad but it could be better. Why? Because I spent 5000 Glint on an Epic draw and wasn't impressed. This season I will just hold the Glint and put it aside until I will raise 25,000 for the Legendary draw! Let's go!

Maybe I wasn't that lucky in conflicts and Glint draws... but I've got Kei! As a Knight of the Gloridax Dragonsguard, she fought with bravery alongside her compatriots to defend Solace!

Kei is the first card I've seen with the Enfeeble ability, and each successful attack will reduce the victim's melee attack by one. The Reach ability and the 3 melee attack makes Kei deadly!

Wanted to play Kei that I used the next battle for this. Are You Not Entertained as the first battle rule, with Ferocity and Up To Eleven! Both teams will have Amplify and Fury, plus one Gladiator card!

Helios Matiarch: +1 Speed & +1 Gladiator Card

Djinn Chwala: Melee with Thorns

Kei: Melee with Reach and Enfeeble

Larissa Kerato: Caster with Double-Strike

Adelade Brightwing: Caster with Repair and Flying

Kra'ar Xoc: Support with Scavenger

Gargoya Devil: Melee

I was hoping that Chwala aplified thorns will give me an advantage, and Kei will keep reducing the melee damage of the opponents. It was done only once, as I was masacrated!

I faced a team led by Fritz Ruffmane, with Captaine Katie and Aves Sturgis. The owl creature gave magic damage to the Clockworke Aide and Helmet, turning the tides of the battle against me.

Larissa done her double-strike but then was taken down by Katie. Chwala thornes were deadly, as the Imperial Knight demise came from them. Those were the top things that happened in the first round, before it went downhill!

Chawla fell, and the death of the Venari Marksrat only made Katie more deadly! Kai's abilities were pointless against magic, and was soon over! See the full battle here!

What else was remarkable? The Baron's Bounty event! Ladies and gentleman.... I present you Baron Fyatt and the Henchling Enforcer. The legendary Baron dual-elements are Fire and Death, while the rare Henchling dual-elements are Life and Water.

As limited-edition promo cards, these cards were only available for purchase during this event, and will not be found in packs. Once the event ended, the cards will only be available on the peer-to-peer marketplace from other players.

Baron Fyatt was expensive, and 31,250 DEC/Credits were above my standards. I focused on the Henchling Enforcer, swapping and selling to gather 3,125 DEC, and used even more as I reduced the price with vouchers. Each Voucher token reduced the price of the purchase by 50 DEC/Credits with a max Voucher discount of roughly 50%... halving... obviously!

I decided to skip the riches of the event and bought the Henchling Enforcer from the market, because I am always unlucky at raffles and draws. It was a cheaper way to get the new card, stress free!

A smug smile spread across Baron Fyatt’s lips as he peered out the window of his office. His legion of henchlings scurried to and fro, collecting the fruits of his brilliance! Coins clinked, filling the empire’s coffers, soon to be reminted into Chaos marks. This will be a year to remember!

Close Range battle rule goes hand-in-hand with General Sloane, but this time I tried something new! x was my choice, and opted for boosted ranged attacks instead of shield.

Prophet Rosa: +2 Ranged Damage for 2 friendly units

Venari Marksrat: Decoy with Martyr

Drybone Raider: Melee/Ranged with Double-Strike

Rune Crafter: Ranged with Fury

Swamp Spitter: Ranged with Repair

Henchling Enforcer: Ranged with Halving

Nimbledook Ranger: Ranged with Double-Strike and Snipe

The set-up of this team was outstanding, as the synergy between units and abilities made me feel confident I would win against any opponent. No OP units, just a team that was built to destroy!

Prophet Rosa was used to boost two units with Double-Strike, as the Nimblebrook Ranger and the Drybone Raider will turn hulk-mode. The Drybone will triple boost, once the Venari Marksrat will die! DRYBONE SMAASHHH!

Fighting Brewmaster Abraxas would be a challenge, as his army had Queen Mycelia, Chimney Wallstop and Countes Sinash on the battlefield. Will I be able to stop the bloodlust before Chimney turns into a beast?

The Venary's Martyr pumped the Drybone, and he nearly single-handed the hippo overseer! The Nimbledook Ranger targeted the Lava Launcher, and the Swamp Spitter repaired the Drybone's armor. That armor repair was very important, keeping the Raider alive after a brutal attack from Chemney Wallstop.

Thorns damage hit back for every melee attack, and the beefy overseer was finally down. The Rune Crafter delivered the deadly blow, and I ended the round in style

Countess Sinash is such a shady person, hitting the weak from the shadows! She got the tiny Nimbledook Ranger out of the battle, and waited for her next chance to make some damage!

The Drybone Raider sacrifice was worthy of memorable songs! Four attacks on a full health and armored Chimney... with the deadly melee blow hitting back with a lethal thorns damage! They both died... but glory awaits in Valhalla!

The Rune Caster took the tank mantle, as his armor was repaired with haste! The Lava Launcher is a formidable ranged unit, but not after was hit by the Henchling Enforcer. The 3 damage instantly turned into 1, and the construct wasn't that scary now!

Things were going well, as the enemies were dropping like flies. The Lava Launcher was obliterated, and Uraeus died from thrones damage!

The mighty Queen Mycelia and the elusive Countess Sinash were to only one left. It was time to settle the endgame! Mycelia paid her taxes, not by choice, and Sinash trial started after! See the full battle here!

Residual Income:

Games: Upland / Splinterlands / Doctor Who

Cashback Cards: Plutus Card /

ZCash: PipeFlare / GlobalHive

Publishing bundle: Publish0x, Hive & Presearch

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