cao 五月份内容

Bifrost Address: cQmRyfNnvG8a8w4zH5w8nAq62ktkC3AJoG4THwNqBH8CybD

1 Youtube原创视频:突发:以太坊ETF通过? DOT ETF 是下一个么?下一轮牛市是否会由ETF驱动? 通过DOT 躺赚的机会!推荐了Bifrost: 观看607, 点赞26,评论24

2 波卡将成为世界社交媒体龙头? Tiktok 将被整合到 Frequency?关注Neurolanche私募轮,Bifrost和Manta的结合,peaq公募,我们一起来看看发生什么事! 观看 354, 点赞12, 评论13

3 波卡OpenGov | 上亿的DOT锁定并参与了 OpenGov投票# 684 chainalysis | 但是故事还没结束!使用vDOT进行投票: 观看 411, 点赞14, 评论12

4 从可验证计算到JAM畅聊波卡生态的机会 | Bifrost | Astar Neurolanche | HydraDX | InvArch | Subwallet: 观看 212, 点赞7, 评论1

5 组织和设计视频: 观看:180

6 组织和设计视频: 观看95

7 规划设计和宣传端午节特别活动,并为Bifrost带来几百推特订阅:

8 参与和推特space宣传bifrost:

9 参与设计和推广vDOT投票,520特别活动:

10 实现了Bifrost的龙卡,并且在discord上用户可以使用积分领取,之后实现bifrost龙卡和积分的互换,以及燃烧bifrost龙卡活动BNC,需要项目方的支持

11 中文英文社区答疑。


Welcome to WEB 3 education and investment! The channel focuses on the education and investment in WEB 3, and I would like to share my personal experience and understanding of WEB 3, from DEFI in different chains like Polkadot, Cardano, Algorand, to the NFT, and GameFI, etc. I like the concept of WEB 3 and would like to contribute to the decentralized world, I would like to make some new friends here! My discord channel:

Welcome to join Bifrost Ambassador!

We look forward to each ambassador growing together with Bifrost and actively engaging in the entire Web3 world. Bifrost Ambassadors come from different corners of the world, and for now, we are categorizing them into Global and APAC regions.

Ambassadors are expected to prepare their Ambassador Monthly Report in the week before the 10th of each month, detailing the contributions made in the previous month. Christian and Bonnie will be responsible for evaluating the reports of ambassadors in different regions. The deadline for report submission is before the 9th of each month. Otherwise, ambassador rewards will be assessed and distributed in the following month.

Once again, thank you for the active support of the ambassadors for Bifrost!


Welcome to join Bifrost Ambassador! We look forward to each ambassador growing together with Bifrost and actively... Show More