Alice 五月份工作总结

Bifrost Address: bnkc46m7aqdg64U3vA2mYUqfj7QwTxZoQoZx49k9FXwJkqW

Bifrost 5月份月度总结:


Bifrost 用户私钥丢失事件始末:

AlicePost author

Welcome to join Bifrost Ambassador!

We look forward to each ambassador growing together with Bifrost and actively engaging in the entire Web3 world. Bifrost Ambassadors come from different corners of the world, and for now, we are categorizing them into Global and APAC regions.

Ambassadors are expected to prepare their Ambassador Monthly Report in the week before the 10th of each month, detailing the contributions made in the previous month. Christian and Bonnie will be responsible for evaluating the reports of ambassadors in different regions. The deadline for report submission is before the 9th of each month. Otherwise, ambassador rewards will be assessed and distributed in the following month.

Once again, thank you for the active support of the ambassadors for Bifrost!


Welcome to join Bifrost Ambassador! We look forward to each ambassador growing together with Bifrost and actively... Show More