
Bifrost Address: cuQNcnPhoMbqg6cd7ACzvVgBd1TyjrNhevhcz11u3sYF4E4

  1. Youtube原创视频《下个牛市的三个主流叙事:现实资产代币化, 以太坊二层网络, 流动性质押》:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUJxM0Ag5dsYoutube观看量459,点赞10, 评论3。

Bilibili视频,https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14N411g7U4/?spm%5Fid%5Ffrom=333.999.0.0, Bilibili观看量332,点赞7, 投币4。

  1. Youtube原创视频《与Bifrost创始人Lurpis和KOL本对谈:下一轮牛市催化剂不会是现货ETF?Bifrost大幅提升Raindrop奖励》:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-puInzv5JQ, Youtube观看量179,点赞6, 评论2。

Bilibili视频,https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1h94y1G7xn/?spm%5Fid%5Ffrom=333.999.0.0, Bilibili观看量172,点赞2。

  1. 协助策划并作为cohost 主持Twitter Space Bifrost 联合创始人 @0xLurpis 一起深入探讨 #Polkadot 大解锁,生态和市场的未来发展趋势


  1. 发布推文#Bifrost @Polkadot Unlock Harvest 活动已经结束,丰厚活动奖励将于11月29日开始线性释放, https://twitter.com/shuaigeyuys/status/1729369098965200913



Welcome to join Bifrost Ambassador!

We look forward to each ambassador growing together with Bifrost and actively engaging in the entire Web3 world. Bifrost Ambassadors come from different corners of the world, and for now, we are categorizing them into Global and APAC regions.

Ambassadors are expected to prepare their Ambassador Monthly Report in the week before the 10th of each month, detailing the contributions made in the previous month. Christian and Bonnie will be responsible for evaluating the reports of ambassadors in different regions. The deadline for report submission is before the 9th of each month. Otherwise, ambassador rewards will be assessed and distributed in the following month.

Once again, thank you for the active support of the ambassadors for Bifrost!


Welcome to join Bifrost Ambassador! We look forward to each ambassador growing together with Bifrost and actively... Show More