DebunkBot: Using AI Tool to beat Misinformation and Conspiracy

Internet has plenty of conspiracy theories, misinformation and propaganda. And it becomes difficult to cover all the opinions and try to filter through them. We tend to eventually lean onto some opinion that would be misinformation.

So how can you find out if what you believe in truth or fake?

This is where AI is being trained to address the misinformation and being used for verification and references to cover the variety of the fake information on the internet.

You ask the debunkbot some questions and then let it get the information. So for sake of the argument let’s ask it about the haunted roads.

Here I asked it about the Dracula drive experience in the USA. Where the road is haunted and a lot of stories are there. So this is mix of the experience and the conspiracy type to defame the road and the people around.

I wanted to validate that but turns out there is no conspiracy detected nor there is any misinformation. It asked me back to continue or to start fresh. Which is kind of scary if you ask me.

As you can see you can ask it some of the conspiracy theories of the lizard people now and get the answer for the same. AI needs some polishing and massive data before it can debunk. I feel it is just a start as of now.

How does it fare as of now? I feel the bot is going to make the whole misinformation experience worst. I feel another thing to watch out is how the conspiracy and the overall theories are going to be validated over there.

DebunkBOT is good but it also needs better users to operate and get truth out of it. And you can expect such tools increasing for the newspaper media too.

DevpressPost author

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