Amazon Rufus : Buying Recommendation AI Tool

In Amazon India there are some of the AI tools being experimented. Some of those tools are likely to be there in other nations as a feature already.

But in India some of the Ai tools are in beta working on Amazon infrastructure.

Take example of the Rufus. It’s an icon at the bottom of the Amazon India shopping app. And people just tap on it and ask it what to buy and which things people are buying. And it would search and give you recommendation.

It was already released for US and other nations will slowly get it rolled into app.

Some of these recommendations are good and some of them can be bad too. Like some recommendations are purely on the basis of the purchase numbers. It should be rather than on the basis of the quality. Some products too lose quality and end up causing more issues.

Amazon AI has been improved a lot due to the Claude ai. And the way things are working out I feel like the Rufus would help a lot of elderly and the challenged customers.

You can read more about Rufus here.

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