How to DCA on HydraDX DEX?

Are you familiar with auto-invest feature on exchanges?

If yes, you definitely can’t miss @hydra_dx DCA, which helps to protect traders against price volatility & achieve an average price.

Following the DCA strategy, orders are not placed at once but instead split into smaller trades which are executed at regular intervals of time.

Check it now at:

Recently, Polkadot's OpenGov Proposal 231 has been approved by voters, which suggests using the staking function of HydraDX to periodically convert a portion of the treasury's DOT into USDT.

This accumulation of USDT will be used to pay salaries to Technical Fellowship members.

To learn how to DCA on HydraDX #DEX, check our step-by-step video.

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PolkaWarriors - A non-profit & unofficial worldwide community of $DOT hodlers., we aims to promote and educating the community with our knowledge and skills


PolkaWarriors - A non-profit & unofficial worldwide community of $DOT hodlers., we aims to promote and educating the... Show More