Polkadot Digest 9 May 2023

Polkadot News

Tomorrow, Wednesday 10 May at 13:30 UTC, Daniel Schoenberger, Chief Legal Officer at Web3 Foundation, will present to the US House of Representatives Financial Services Subcommittee. https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408754

This talk is entitled “"The Future of Digital Assets: Measuring the Regulatory Gaps in the Digital Asset Markets", and will explain what we have been working on at the Web3 Foundation. For a copy of the written testimony, see https://www.linkedin.com/posts/daniel-schoenberger-9107836%5Fweb3-foundation-written-testimony-may-10-activity-7061406403436892160-GBMh/

Referendum 114, proposing to onboard a Bridge Hub system parachain to Polkadot, is currently passing with 99% in favor and just 1 day left to vote. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referendum/114

Note that the Bridge Hub parachain will initially not include any bridges; this referendum is merely the initial first step to getting the parachain on-boarded.

Referendum 115, proposing to open three new HRMP channels between Statemint and Bitgreen/Subsocial/Manta, is passing with 99% in favor and 7 days left to vote. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referendum/115

Referendum 117, seeking a force_transfer back to the Treasury from a previous Treasury Proposal, is currently failing with 73% in favor and 19 days left to vote. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referendum/117

Kusama News

Referendum 174, proposing to provide a tip for Polkachu’s Payouts bot, has passed. https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/174

Referendum 173, proposing to set the max_code_size of parachains to 3 MiB, is reaching the end of the Decision Period. https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/173

There are 14 Referenda currently up for vote on Kusama. https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Frpc-kusama.luckyfriday.io#/referenda

Bill LaboonPost author

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