Polkadot Digest 7 May 2024

Polkadot News

Polkadot-API, a project conceived to build upon and improve on the PolkadotJs project, is nearing the release of a stable v1 and has written a status update on the Polkadot Forum. https://forum.polkadot.network/t/polkadot-api-updates-thread/7685

Anonymous parathread 3358 is in the lead in the current parachain lease auction, although Aventus and Integritee have both also been in the lead during the Ending Period. https://parachains.info/auctions

Gavin Wood will hold an X Space on JAM on Thursday at 13.00 UTC. https://twitter.com/Polkadot/status/1787525518868271557

Copies of the Ethereum Yellow Paper, Polkadot White Paper, and the JAM Gray Paper, signed and annotated by Dr. Gavin Wood, will be going up on a β€œbid-to-earn” charity auction on 16 May. https://twitter.com/GBMauction/status/1787439631375765935

Reminder that Web3 Summit 2024 will be held 19-21 August at Funkhaus Berlin. https://web3summit.com/

The staking rate on Polkadot has continued to increase and is now 54.53%. https://staking.polkadot.network/#/overview

Kusama News

Referendum 384, proposing to register People Chain and upgrade Coretime chain to runtime v1.2.3, is currently passing with 99.9% in favor. https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/384

The staking rate on Kusama is continuing to increase and now stands at 52%. https://staking.polkadot.network/#/overview

Bill LaboonPost author

Bill's Space

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