Polkadot Digest 22 Nov 2023

Polkadot News

Reminder for all validators - as a result of the inclusion of BEEFY, after the 1’000’001 runtime upgrade, validators should rotate their keys and set them on-chain. Additionally, validators should no longer use the “no-beefy” flag.

BEEFY is a secondary protocol to GRANDPA allowing more efficient bridging to external networks. For more details, see https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/learn-consensus#bridging-beefy

With a day and a half left in the current parachain lease auction, Logion has been in the lead the entire Ending Period. https://parachains.info/auctions

The OpenDev Fellowship Call occurred yesterday. Interested in what is happening at a technical level with Polkadot and want to hear it direct from the core devs’ mouths? You can watch a recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ2NUPUgWF0

The DOT staking rate has increased slightly over the last few days to 50.62%. https://staking.polkadot.network/#/overview

A large number of new Medium Spender Treasury Proposals have been submitted over the last few days. DOT holders can vote on them, and other Referenda, here: https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/medium-spender?trackStatus=all&page=1

Kusama News

Referendum 305, setting the Kusama relay chain’s safe XCM version to v3, has passed and executed. https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/305

Kusama validators should already have rotated their keys and stopped using the “no-beefy” flag. If not, you should it immediately.

Bill LaboonPost author

Bill's Space

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