Polkadot Digest 17 Oct 2023

Polkadot News

A new version of the Polkadot Host, 1.2.0, has been released. https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/releases/tag/polkadot-v1.2.0

Note that this only the host software; the Polkadot and Kusama relay chain runtimes are no longer controlled by Parity, but by the Polkadot Technical Fellowship. https://github.com/polkadot-fellows/runtimes

A new tracking PR for deploying Coretime to Rococo has been added here: https://github.com/paritytech/roadmap/issues/52

In 10 days, the first crowdloan unlocks on Polkadot will occur. There is a good thread on what will happen from SubWallet here: https://twitter.com/subwalletapp/status/1712857297863766349

There is a discussion on Polkadot Forum about deposits on Asset Hub for NFTs, including a good summary of Joe of what these deposits are for and how storage impacts everyone using a chain. https://forum.polkadot.network/t/polkadot-assethub-high-nft-collection-deposit/4262

With less than two days to go in the current parachain lease auction, anonymous parathread ID 3353 has been in the lead the vast majority of the Ending Period. https://parachains.info/auctions

Kusama News

With the Ending Period having just begun in the current parachain lease auction, Zero is in the lead. https://parachains.info/auctions/kusama

Bill LaboonPost author

Bill's Space

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