Polkadot Digest 17 Jul 2024

Polkadot News

Congrats to Distractive for submitting Referendum #1000 on Polkadot OpenGov! https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1000

Interested in seeing more information on Treasury inflow and outflow, along with other OpenGov information? Check out Colorful Notion’s Dune dashboard here: https://dune.com/substrate/polkadot-gov

Referendum 1002, proposing to upgrade Bridge Hub to runtime v1.2.8, is now up for vote. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1002

Referendum 972, registering the People Chain, has sufficient support and approval to start confirming tomorrow (assuming no major changes in vote). https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/972

The Polkadot staking rate continues to increase and is currently at 58.77%. https://staking.polkadot.cloud/#/overview

Kusama News

Referendum 418, proposing to add PolkaIdentity as a Registrar on Kusama, is now up for vote. https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/418

The Kusama staking rate is holding steady at approximately 52.76%. https://staking.polkadot.cloud/#/overview

Bill LaboonPost author

Bill's Space

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