🪐Neurolanche V3.0 ~ The Milky Way Galaxy🍼

Neurolanche is unveiling its ambitious 100-day plan aimed at achieving substantial growth and user adoption within the Polkadot and Astar Network ecosystems.

Here below three significant steps:

  • Step 1.0 - 100-Day Vision: Journey to the Milky Way Galaxy 🌌

Building on past achievements, the team aims to accelerate development by incorporating cutting-edge technologies. They plan to deliver all products within three months, targeting both web2 and web3 users, while emphasizing the importance of Polkadot.

  • Step 2.0 - Release of Firolauss AI and ZkStrike Game 🎯

Neurolanche is set to launch a demo version of its groundbreaking AI project, Firolauss, which analyzes human behavior and emotions. Additionally, they're rebranding their game as ZkStrike and introducing account abstraction features to attract more web2 users.

  • Step 3.0 - NEROX Token: Utility Token

The project's tokenomics will support a valuable ecosystem across various sectors, including AI, GameFi, Metaverse, and the NFT marketplace. The team plans to establish credibility through demo releases, followed by private and public token sales, Airdrops, and listings on global exchanges, with the aim of achieving a billion-dollar valuation.

YamnePost author

The Mountains hold up the heavens

The desire of gold is not for gold. It is for the means of freedom!

Traveller, Passionate about software development, Polkadot enthusiast

Polkadot Arena è un progetto in lingua italiana di divulgazione sull'ecosistema #Polkadot. Tutti i contenuti realizzati dai membri del collettivo.

Il progetto è stato lanciato da appassionati, ambassador, validator e collator di Polkadot e/o alcune parachain. Abbiamo pensato che unendo le forze e parlando con una unica voce avremmo potuto dare più risalto e diffondere un'informazione più completa alla community italiana. L'unione fa la forza!

Il nostro obbiettivo sarebbe quello di diventare il canale d'informazione più popolare in Italia su Polkadot.


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Polkadot Arena è un progetto in lingua italiana di divulgazione sull'ecosistema #Polkadot. Tutti i contenuti... Show More