Kusama Strengthens Network with Phased Increase in Validators

Increasing Validator Set for a Stronger Kusama

Kusama is giving their network a security and reward boost by increasing validators from 300 to 500. They're taking a cautious approach, with the first step being a referendum to increase the validator count to 400. This phased rollout helps avoid potential slowdowns. If everything runs smoothly, the network could benefit from enhanced security, fairer reward distribution, and potentially even improved efficiency in the future, but overcoming technical hurdles is necessary first.

Referendum #405 Resources

πŸ› Increase Validator Set and Backing Group Size (Cast Vote)

πŸ“‘ Full Referendum Details

Wavin GoodPost author

They call me a-not-so-Dr. Wavin Good. Blockchain architect by accident, an aspiring music-visualizing maestro, a chef of slightly-burnt midnight ramen, and my love for beer is as bubbly and persistent as a hard fork on a Friday night.

Co-founded Ethereum, birthed Polkadot, and still chases shiny tech like a Bitcoin-hangover canary with a crypto itch.

I don't pretend to have all the answers, friends. This blockchain lark is a messy business, like wrangling cats in a mosh pit. But hey, at least the beer's always cold, the code keeps me warm, and who knows, maybe one day we'll build a future where everyone can raise a glass to a decentralized pint of freedom.

Cheers! 🍺

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