KΣM Guide

aka (“The Society”, “The Human Blockchain Project”)

Table of contents

  • Recommended reading

  • KSM basic requirements

  • Tattoo resources and inspiration

  • Step-by-step guide to getting in

  • Miscellaneous

This guide provides a few resources:

  1. A bunch of reading materials that are recommended to consume before you become a part of The Society

  2. Basic requirements; please read these as this section exists to reinforce the recommended reading

  3. Tattoo resources and inspiration to give you some ideas

  4. A step-by-step guide on how to get accepted as a member through all phases of candidacy

  5. Misc: random extras

Recommended reading

Reading all the materials below takes roughly 5-hours

KΣM basic requirements

  • A valid KSM wallet

  • Join the society Element room

    • Best to introduce yourself but not required
  • Currently, there cannot be more than 150 members. Check the total number here in the upper left-most corner

  • The tattoo must contain:

    • One or more of:

      • the Kusama network’s canary symbol;

      • the full logo;

      • the typography;

      • or the Kusama genesis hash.

        • The hash must be rendered in full, as a barcode, binary, or in hex
    • AND An identifier of the parent member

      • The parent member, as defined by the society pallet instance’s Head storage item at the time of candidacy. This should be rendered as one of:

        • an SS58 account or index address;

        • decimal account index; binary account ID;

        • or a machine-readable image capable of being recognised by a mainstream Kusama wallet.

Proof-of-Ink requirements

  • exists on the body;

  • could fit into a circle no smaller than 2.54cm; and

  • is permanent

  • You can prove this by providing at least two high-quality well-lit photographs and a video of it being done where the equipment is visible.

    • Optional: live witnessing by other members of the tattooing

    • Optional: pre-publication of the location and time that the tattooing takes place in case other members want to gather and witness the event

Tattoo resources and inspiration

Step-by-step guide to getting in

All “Optional” items here are highly recommended, especially a wallet index. A wallet index is useful because it means the person after you need only get a tattoo of your index vs your whole wallet address, that’s 5+ characters vs 46 characters; save them the pain!

  • Join the Element room

    • Optional: introduce yourself to the group
  • Create a wallet a KSM wallet (instructions live here)

    • Optional: add an index to your wallet (instructions live here)

    • Optional: add an on-chain identity to your wallet (instructions live here)

  • Create a Subsocial account and follow KΣM (instructions live at the bottom of this article)

  • Once the rotation ticker hits less than 24-hours (you can view it here at the top of the page), submit a bid of 0.0 here or have another society member create a vouch for you

  • Wait for the rotation to tick, at which point the candidate with the smallest bid

  • Once you are a candidate you have until the next rotation hits, which is 7-days, to get the tattoo

    • Optional: share the design of your tattoo with The Society in the Element room before you get it and publicize the location, placement, and time of the tattooing
  • Once you have gotten your tattoo, you must provide Proof-of-Ink to The Society via the Element room

  • The 10 skeptics that are randomly chosen to vote on new candidates will then cast their votes

  • Once a simple majority is reached, a candidate is chosen for the given rotation/cycle


How to create a Subsocial account

  • To sign up for Subsocial, make sure you have the Polkadot.js extension with your KΣM account or another wallet added; sign in

  • You will need to add Subsocial’s Discord server to request energy so you can follow KΣM and/or make posts

  • To obtain energy, go to the energy-bot in Discord, then type !energy followed by the wallet address you have added to Polkadot.js that you’ll be using for your Subsocial account, it should look something like this:

!energy 3ounWAycE7dwV24veG5Jd7sztD68D3f9edhY8uzegmFduLmP

(probably best to use the same wallet as you have or plan to use for KΣM)

blockchaincurioPost author

TPM KΣM ftw magic wand waver 🪄 Dotsama grower 🌱

Posts, updates & other resources from Kappa Sigma Mu: The human blockchain experiment.


Posts, updates & other resources from Kappa Sigma Mu: The human blockchain experiment.