Society updates: branding and website

This post is a compilation of updates from early-2020 to mid-2021.

The releases are ordered from the most recent to oldest.

WIP: Currently working in the application wireframes, early website development and 3D canary component.

August 17th, 2021 - WEBSITE UPDATES

This is an update on the development of the Society website. We are still in an early stage of development, working with wireframes, functional prototypes and running experiments.


We're glad to be working on the wireframes for the application. It means we’re creating the Society, or as we’re also calling, the Cyborg Journey new pages. The discussions we’re having are about prioritizing the user flow, the information hierarchy on the page and giving a strong perception for User Experience. It’s also nice to notice that at this time we’re introducing Gamification elements to assemble the journey with its inherited elements, like PoI, bid and voting, as a whole journey, from Human to Cyborg. The main goal here it is to be disruptive, continuing the concepts of the Brand itself.

You can access the application wireframes here.

What's the Cyborg Journey?

It's basically the flow someone goes through to enter the society. We are mapping the experience and trying to improve. You can see the flows in our Miro board.

Functional Prototype

The wireframe construction also has some aspects of functional prototyping. This means we are developing an interactive preview of how the application is going to look and feel, including its flow. We are yet to address more aesthetic aspects of design, like font, colors and spacing. In the final art, the design will incorporate the Brand Book.

Rendering the 3D Canary

On the development side, our team is experimenting on rendering the 3D canary in the browser and making it interactive. In the animation below, you can see the cursor rotating the canary and clicking on some on its vertices, changing the name exhibited on the bottom. You can see the code in our repository


The V2 of the Brand Book was finished.

May 19th, 2021 - BRAND BOOK

We're intensively working in the Brand Book with possible applications of the new KSM Society brand and in a Vision document that will guide the website UI/UX development.

We've also put up this release website. Initially, just with web references and release notes for the branding work. The web3 application development begins in June 2021.

Check the preview of the Vision Document. This presentation is the result of the interview debriefings and workshops we conducted in the past few days.


In this Showcase, we demonstrate the possible variations for the brand and character application.

This week we went deeper into the study of the sources and concluded that we were going to make a totally mutable brand.

In terms of form and typography as well. But how do we do this without losing coherence and turning the brand into something else?

To solve this, we'll follow the standards defined in the Brand Book, which will be presented in the final work.

The idea is to transform the brand into a framework that can be constantly expanded.

April 30th, 2021 - EXPLORE DRAWINGS

In April, we started the branding work, doing research and testing textures in the 3D Canary. We also started some technology exploration of IPFS, integration with the Kusama RPC, and Polkadot React components tests during this month.

In week 2, our group concluded that the character's silhouette was very similar to that of the Kusama brand itself and that in Week 3, it would be interesting to explore other drawings of the character.

We studied the Canary in flight in a frank expression of freedom, independence, and attitude. At this point, we also perceive a curious analogy with the concept of the Canary in neon lines. They looked a lot like photos of recent demonstrations where laser points are used. We think this association is very symbolic of the times we live in, and it was surprising to see that. For it was an unconscious and intensive process up to this point.

And we believe that this is one of the great strengths of this work — the connection between the real and the digital metaverse where our character lives.

We can also highlight the initial study of typography in which we have also started to work on the concept of self obliteration, which we'll explain further in the next topic.

We also conducted interviews with the founding members and executed an internal workshop to build the vision document.

Showcase week 3

GitHub organization created.


When conducting new tests with the character this week, we realized that the 3D model would be limited to smaller applications. Its delicate lines were lost with the reduction that the brand will undoubtedly suffer in some contexts, and to solve this, we decided on a silhouette of the character so that it would receive a 2D skin. At that time, it was not yet clear which decision is ideal for these cases.

We started exploring variations of the canary character and typography for the brand.

Showcase week 2

April 16th, 2021 - 3D CANARY STUDY

This week we started the first tests with the 3D model of the character. We made different skins to test the gauge of lines and how they would behave with different cut and location settings on the figure's surface. The objective was to expand and standardize the initial creation of Ignasi Albero, from the Web3 Foundation, who started this project of the character along conceptual lines.

See the Showcase for this week. We started studying the original Canary developed by Ignasi and test textures on it.

April 11th, 2021 - REFERENCES STUDY

Started the study of references for the Kappa Sigma Mu brand. See presentation.

Would you like to play with it? Get the obj here:


In March 2021, the Kusama Society (Kappa Sigma Mu Society) completed its first cycle of associations with 150 members admitted worldwide. KSM is a membership club using the Substrate Society pallet. It aims to make Kusama, and its functionalities, known to non-technical users, raise awareness on new forms of organization and identify the link between the on-chain and off-chain worlds. New Society candidates are judged on their ability to provide proof-of-ink to existing members.

The development of the Society was planned and approved back in mid-2020. We talked to the original proponents to understand what still needs to be done. The narrative is done (first milestone), and the brand is a work in progress (second milestone), but website development has not yet started. See the original proposal.

In this context, we propose a roadmap to address brand development, marketing strategy, and website development, assembling a team to work on them.

Take a look in the online version, or in the PDF backup.

Created Trello board to coordinate the work.


The Society submitted its treasury proposal for the DotsToLines collaboration: The Human Blockchain Project. The proposal centers on community growth and education focused on the verge of technology and art – this particular submission covers:

  • Narrative, marketing, and comms outreach strategy and development;
  • Brand development;
  • Website development;
  • Society treasury funding for new members, taking into account maker's fee and candidate reward.

You can find the original proposal doc here, or take a look in the PDF backup. Take a look at the Motion #186.

Lauro GripaPost author

Posts, updates & other resources from Kappa Sigma Mu: The human blockchain experiment.


Posts, updates & other resources from Kappa Sigma Mu: The human blockchain experiment.