DotLeap 99 - State of Polkadot Q3

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Polkadot Updates

πŸ”΄ ⭕️ Relay Chain

total supply - ~1.24b DOT | staking - 51.3% | parachains & crowdloans - 11%

  • Bitgreen won the 29th parachain lease auction.

πŸ”΄ πŸ› Governance

  • Referendum 79, proposing to upgrade the Polkadot and Statemint runtimes (to 9291 and 9290 respectively), is passing unanimously.
  • Referendum 78, proposing to add nomination pools to Polkadot, is passing by a wide margin.
  • Referendum 77, proposing to fund ChainSafe for development of Gossamer (a Polkadot Host written in Go), is passing by a wide margin.
  • Referendum 74, proposing to open several HRMP channels, is passing by a wide margin.
  • Motion 271, seeking to measure the carbon footprint of the entire Polkadot ecosystem, has been approved
  • Motion 276, to allow the use of USDT without DOT on Statemint to pay for transaction fees, has been approved by the Council. It will be up for community vote soon.
  • A proposal to register a new Collectives Common Good Parachain providing ability to organise and act as a group (without needing to trust third parties like lawyers and jurisdictional courts). The intention is to apply for a four-year lease, where the full launch will include a series of referenda on Polkadot for approval by DOT holders. The full proposal, along with the technicalities, can be found here.

Kusama Updates β‚‘β‚“β‚šβ‚‘cβ‚œ cₕₐₒₛ

πŸ¦… ⭕️ Relay Chain

total supply - ~12.82m KSM | staking - 54% | parachains & crowdloans - 7%

  • DAO IPCI won the 55th parachain lease auction.

πŸ¦… πŸ› Governance

  • Referendum 237, proposing to return 11,700 KSM from an attacker’s account back to the @MangataFinance sovereign account, is obsolete and voters are advised not to lock up tokens unnecessarily.
  • Motion 553, seeking to improve the Polkascan Explorer, has been approved by the Council.
  • Treasury proposal by PolkaSafe to produce a user-friendly Multisig platform for Polkadot and Kusama is open for discussion.
  • Treasury proposal by Guillitolmo to produce 78 informative videos of Polkadot and Kusama is open for discussion.
  • Treasury proposal by kml to build a C++ implementation of the Polkadot host is open for discussion.
  • A follow-up proposal from the curators requesting a top-up to the Infrastructure Maintenance Bounty to continue covering the ongoing costs of the running reliable public infrastructure for the Kusama ecosystem: including block explorers, governance forums and applications, snapshots and validators service providers, community wallet services, and other projects seeking to cover maintenance costs with treasury funds. All the details of the proposal, along with the spending analysis, report and budget, can be found here.

β›“ Connected Parachains, dApps, and others

projects connected to the DOT and KSM relay chains

🌎 Community & Ecosystem

πŸ›  Tools

  • Polkadot API v9.5.1 has been released.

🌠 NFT Review

A weekly newsletter keeping up with the evolution of NFTs in the Dotsama ecosystem.

Read more

πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ Jobs in Web 3.0

Want your ad here? Buy it on Singular.

  • Web3 Foundation is looking for a Technical Educator, Spec Engineer, and Technical Grants Evaluator. Apply here.

That's it for this week - I hope this was as useful for you to read as it was for us to write!

Many thanks to Bill Laboon for his daily digestβ€”which helps us not miss some important updatesβ€”and Raul Romanutti for helping us ensure that the governance news is accurate.

DotLeap is put together by Bruno Ε kvorc and gbaci.

Got any links for Bruno for the next edition? Find Bruno on Riot at, on Twitter, or via email at [email protected].

gbaciPost author

Content lead at and lover of $DOT

A fortnightly-ish newsletter about all things Web 3.0 from the Polkadot side


A fortnightly-ish newsletter about all things Web 3.0 from the Polkadot side