Hyper Club Spotlight - harunoheart

Today we want to introduce to you @harunoheart, an artist from the Hyper Club.

@harunoheart is an electronic musician, sound producer, and sound designer. He has been making music for over five years, has several works on streaming platforms, and is a music duo member. He studied music on his own, thanks to the world wide web and especially youtube.

He loves learning the languages, cultures, and musical histories of different countries. Haruno has already released his first NFT album with @Rich_Valentinoo their collaboration PHOSPHENE was immediately recognized, and they received praise from the RMRK community for their original sounds.

Check out his newest collection imagine unknown, a music album released on 19.03.2022.


Have you always wanted to be an artist? When did you start?

I don't have a heartwarming story about how I started making music as a kid. Yes, I always wanted to create something, but I never even thought about music. YES, did I love to listen to it but make it? That thought seemed ridiculous to me. But, by some miracle, I came up with it, and I've been making music since 2017. I'm insanely happy with this random coincidence in my life. Now, I can't imagine my existence without it at all.

What brought you to the NFT space?

I was brought into the NFT community by my good friend Rich Valentino. One day, we met in person, and he told me all about it, and I was insanely interested. Before, I never imagined that I would get involved in this whole crypto-movement thing.

What do you wish for in the NFT space?

Hmm, I can't say for sure. I'm very new to all this. But I'd really like to see this develop. Further, I think there's a huge future behind it, both economically and creatively.

How would you describe the Hyper Club?

A community of crazy geniuses and talents, each with their crazy ideas and very interesting personal stories! I hope we will develop and expand further. I am very happy to be a part of this community.

How would you describe your art? Why do you think people resonate with your artworks?

My music is sometimes aggressive, sometimes sad and melancholy, but is it always, almost in each track, there is a bit of hope, a light at the end of the tunnel. A light sadness, perhaps. Many people like my music because of the unusual synthesized sounds, sadly processed piano, and sharp, powerful drops. The PHOSPHENE album I made together with Rich Valentino perfectly expresses this whole concept.

Tell me a bit of your inspiration for your art? Does anything specific spark your style?

I am inspired by people and the emotions I get from contact with them. Because I believe that the people we come into contact with are a collective image of ourselves.

Among the sound producers, I am inspired by Flume, SOPHIE, Arca, Iglooghost, Bonobo, Burial, and Sega Bodega (actually, I could list forever, aha).

Also madly adore the work of FKA Twigs, Yung Lean, and Charli XCX. I also listen to orchestral music and love movies and video game soundtracks.

What is the story behind the "IMAGINE UNKNOWN"? Which story do you want to tell with it?

Beauty. The flower on the album cover and the video preview with the flowers are not just for fun. The flowers are flawless, perfect, and beautiful. Flowers reflect the beauty of nature, of its love for the world. They are incredible. The flower on the cover is depicted as an icon, and the hand reaching out to it suggests that we should strive for such beauty. Not only externally, of course, but also internally.

What else besides art do you enjoy doing?

I love to learn new languages and cultures. I love learning about the world and studying history, especially music history. I also like to go for walks. I like talking to people and learning new things.

What are some of your favorite pieces that you've created?

I really love my album "Minds in Chambers", which is on almost every streaming platform. I also love PHOSPHENE (I talk about it so often). I still have a bunch of demos that I really love. I can't wait to show them to everyone!

What do you consider your most significant achievement so far?

I started making money from my creativity and getting pleasant words and respect from different sound producers. But my most significant achievement is that I am not standing still and growing in my skills as a musician and sound producer.

Do you have any favorite artists or art pieces from the NFT community?

I really like the work of EJVII, Lizi Palkinizi, and Grood.

Who would you like to collaborate with in the future?

The ones I mentioned above and the guys from Hyper Club and Chaos Collective. They're all super talented people.

I'm open to collaborations, and I think this kind of work always brings a lot of inspiration and ideas.

What is your vision as an artist in the NFT space? And what is it that excites you the most?

I'm glad to see that art, especially music, is more valued in the NFT space. I'm also excited about the wonderful community, which is very friendly and always supportive. Glad to be a part of it.

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

  1. I would like to travel all over the world and experience different cultures.
  2. I want to do what I love and make money at it.
  3. And I want to make people around me happier, at least a little bit.

Famous last words?

Imitate, adapt and invent.


Thank you for taking the time for this interview. We wish you a lot of success in the future.

About the Hyper Club

To find out more about the hyper club, check out this Twitter thread, they're Welcome video on youtube or join their Discord server.


Greetings to all beautiful souls in that space and beyond.

aemonkPost author

Web3 is the future!

All Things NFTs (ATN) is a space where we want to represent NFT Projects and Artists in the Dotsama space.


All Things NFTs (ATN) is a space where we want to represent NFT Projects and Artists in the Dotsama space.