Polkadot News
Coretime sales are currently live on Polkadot, with a current price of ~ 250 DOT for 28 days of bulk coretime. https://app.regionx.tech/purchase?network=polkadot
The MYTH airdrop, covered by Referendum...View Post
Polkadot News
Polkadot is currently averaging around 1.15 million extrinsics (”transactions”) per day (around 13.3 per second). For details, see https://data.parity.io/parachain-stats?frequency=daily
Referendum 1139...View Post
Polkadot News
Are you looking to make an announcement about your Polkadot project or putting together a Polkadot event? Check out the Ecosystem Resource Center for how to publicize and market it: https://distractive...View Post
Polkadot News
Referendum 1177, proposing .DOT authority registration for the Polkadot App, is passing with 99.3% in favor. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1177
Kusama News
Referendum 457, proposing to...View Post
Polkadot News
Web3 Foundation is looking for an Ecosystem Growth Lead. Job details and application here: https://web3.bamboohr.com/careers/123
Referendum 1172, proposing to correct the price for initial coretime...View Post
Polkadot News
Referendum 1172, proposing to correct base coretime pricing, is expected to pass within 24 hours. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1172
With ten days left in the Deciding Period, Referendum...View Post
Polkadot News
If any parachains are looking to free up deposits by de-registering unused paraIDs, please message Leemo ( https://x.com/LeemoXD ) as he is coordinating a Referendum for this purpose.
Coretime base...View Post
Polkadot News
Agile Coretime went live today and with it ended the era of parachain lease auctions on Polkadot. There is a Twitter/X Space on the topic here: https://x.com/Polkadot/status/1836704552592310326
A...View Post
Polkadot News
Referendum 1143, upgrading the Polkadot runtime to 1.3.0 and system parachains to 1.3.1, enacted yesterday at ~ 08.00 UTC. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1143
There was a short-lived block...View Post
Polkadot News
With the enactment of Referendum 1129 , Polkadot now has 400 validators in the active set. https://polkadot.subsquare.io/referenda/1129
Average stake per validator has come down from 2.9 to 2.2 million...View Post
Polkadot News
Blockdeep Labs is now providing free Async Backing and and Agile Coretime support for parachain teams. https://x.com/0xBlockDeep/status/1834392572074361193
Interested in seeing Polkadot data? Check out...View Post
Polkadot News
Referendum 1143, proposing to upgrade the Polkadot runtime to 1.3.x and stop parachain lease auctions, is passing and expected to execute on 17 Sep. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1143...View Post
Polkadot News
Alice_und_Bob has written up an article on using Wish-for-change Referenda as a legislative tactic. https://forum.polkadot.network/t/legislation-through-wfcs/9982
Of the several inflation referenda...View Post
Polkadot News
The Rococo testnet will be deprecated on 14 October. If you are still using Rococo, please migrate to Westend or Paseo. https://forum.polkadot.network/t/rococo-to-be-deprecated-in-october/8702/3
Of...View Post
Polkadot News
A new parachain lease auction has begun and with one day to go before the Ending Period, Acala is in the lead. https://parachains.info/auctions
August saw a further reduction in Treasury spending, but...View Post
Polkadot News
JAMTON has won the most recent parachain lease auction. https://parachains.info/auctions
Reminder that parachain auctions will be going away soon, assuming the necessary Agile Coretime referenda pass...View Post
Polkadot News
There are now three Referenda (1137, 1138, and 1139) up for vote on the future inflation rate of Polkadot - 8% and decreasing, 8% continuous, or no change (10%). https://polkadot.polkassembly...View Post
Polkadot News
There will be some name changes coming, including the PJS extension to “Polkadot Developer Signer” and “PJS Apps” to “Polkadot Developer Interface”. https://forum.polkadot...View Post
Polkadot News
With two days left in the current parachain lease auction, JAMTON is in the lead. However, three other teams have been in the lead during the Ending Period. https://parachains.info/auction
OpenGov...View Post
Polkadot News
BlockDeep Labs has produced XCM Tracer, a tool which allows you to easily track cross-chain messages across Polkadot parachains and the Relay Chain. https://x.com/0xBlockDeep/status/1830621087693983754
...View Post