KappaSigmaMu updates for Q1 & Q2 2023

Let's recap what happened last year.

We had a proposal called Happiness is made of metal, the first addressing our marketing and comms outreach strategy and development milestone, which consisted of a partnership between KappaSigmaMu and Gilberto Gil. You can learn more about it in this post.

After the delivery of this proposal, another one was approved addressing the comms milestone. This one was two-fold, one part dedicated to extend the partnership with Gilberto Gil, the other part dedicated to sponsor an innovation festival. Let's dig into the deliverables!

Extension of the partnership with Gilberto Gil

The extension consisted of using the assets generated during the Happiness is made of metal project to create immersive experiences, such as:

A glimpse of his living room

  • An immersive virtual reality experience made with Unity. This experience was exclusive to in-person participants of the events. Gil even visited the venue and took the experience himself, sharing an emotional testimony with us. We are discussing with his team the possibility to making the experience available to everyone.

Gilberto Gil taking the VR experience

Gilberto Gil giving an emotional testimony

KappaSigmaMu featuring in the sponsorship panel at the Digital Art Biennale

Next Steps

We also discussed the possibility of creating an immersive music video of Futurรญvel containing easter eggs of Kusama and KappaSigmaMu. This would be the natural next and final phase of the project.

NFT Distribution

After clearing all legal concerns, we were finally able to distribute the NFT to everyone in the society. If you were an active member at his birthday last year (June 26th) through the day of the distribution (March 22nd), check Your Space on singular.app, you should have the NFT!

Innovation Festival

Like mentioned at the beginning, we also sponsored an innovation festival in Brazil.

  • I hosted a panel talking about the metaverse and immersive experiences. You can see the recording here.
  • And gave a talk about radical innovation in the Web3. The recording is here.

(Activate subtitles if needed, as both recordings are in Portuguese)

The EXPECT CHAOS panel for moving pictures

Society V2

The code for Society V2 was finally merged to the main branch of Substrate repository! We are now a runtime upgrade away from our next iteration.


After almost a year of Gilberto Gil decorating our homepage, the canary is back! We created a historical page for those who miss Gil, though: https://ksmsociety.io/gilbertogil

See you soon!

Lauro GripaPost author

Posts, updates & other resources from Kappa Sigma Mu: The human blockchain experiment.


Posts, updates & other resources from Kappa Sigma Mu: The human blockchain experiment.