Secret Splinterlands Stories - The Franz Ruffmane Sad Saga

Splinterlands is the strategic auto-battler multiplayer digital-collectible trading card game on the Hive blockchain. Lots of fancy words so lets make it simple ... you try to create the most optimal 7-card deck to fight against opponents.

Are you a fan of the rich and immersive world behind Splinterlands? This week’s challenge is to dive deep into the lore and bring a twist to stories, characters, or factions!

Are you ready to listen to Franz Ruffmane's saga? There's some secrets about the way he climbed through the ranks and some mystery regarding his oath of allegiance to the Prideheart Valiant!

I swear that I will faithfully, loyally, and honorably serve the Grand Prior and his legitimate successors, and I will dedicate myself to them with all my strength, sacrificing, if necessary, my life to defend them. I assume this same commitment with regard to the Grand Seneschal whenever the Grand Prior's seat is vacant. Furthermore, I promise my superiors respect, fidelity, and obedience. I swear to observe all that the honor of my position demands of me.

In time immemorial, the great empires of the world sought to extract the land's resources for their own gain and conquest without regard for the ruin they were reaping. They broke the world and created a cycle of hate that lasted for eons.

Many species evolved and appeared in the Splinterlands since then, and scholars divided them into nineteen types. Species are further divided into various races and subraces with unique physical traits, such as hair color, skin color, physique, and innate proficiencies.

Scholars believe that these races developed as the result of a cumulative inherited change over time derived from adaptations to their environments. Franz is one of the mammalians, humanoids with the characteristics of various warm-blooded mundane beasts that nourish their young with milk.

Franz Ruffmane has served as the commander of the Prideheart Valiants for many years and is an intrepid and powerful leonine with a natural ability to lead others and a charismatic personality that inspires them to follow.

He is also the summoner upgraded to the highest level, and his level four helps me use higher ranked units in the battle! Franz was behind many glorious victories!

The royal house of Lyveria maintains the Prideheart Valiants as their most elite squad! The contingent of three-hundred silverback leonines serve the Kingdom of Khymia at the discretion of its Grand Prior.

Originally acting in a purely ceremonial role as an honor guard assigned to the Peace of Light Monastery, and quickly earned a reputation for their discipline, prowess, and tenacity.

Franz armor is endowed with potent life magic that protects both him and his allies, and like all Prideheart Valiants, he carries a two-handed warhammer passed down through the ranks as warriors retire or fall in battle.

Never has a Grand Prior been harmed under the watch of the Prideheart Valiants, and Commander Ruffmane has sworn to maintain this legacy. He and his fellow silverback leonines are fiercely loyal and will never leave their post.

However, there's a story behind the glory! There are some stories that could change Franz saga, as some say that his big lion heart is shared between two women's hearts!

He is in love with Adelade Brightwing and Captain Katie, but his oath keeps him away from both! There's a higher chance for a glorious death in battle than a happy ending for Franz!

His sad faith is to often fight along Katie or Adelade, and his only with is to die before he will see the ones he loves fall in battle! Will he live with the guilt of failing to protect the ladies he cares about, or his demise will happen first?

It was the Swamp of Sorrows where Franz learned about his future, and it was more dire than he ever imagined! He will die alone, sick, and without the power to save either Katie or Adelade!

Adelade is hope on wings, blessed with them as the highest honor bestowed to the followers of the goddess. She had feelings for Franz but her allegiance is for the kingdom. Katie has her own tragedy to carry, and she can't imagine settling down! She loves Franz as well, but more for the warrior he is and not as a partner!

The Swamp Of Sorrows Uprising was when fate and tragedy interlinked with folklore and hope! It was then when Franz was cursed by the dying turtle-warlock! He was cursed to die alone!

Franz gathered his elite group and left for the swamps to stop an uprising, as many water creatures where corrupted by the void whisperers! His team was powerful, and he was unaware of the dangers that were lurking in the shadows!

He was able to choose all the weapons of mass-destruction and fully embrace all the benefits of Reverse Speed and Explosive Weaponry! Thanks to the 99 mana he created a team more powerful than the one in Expendables!

Franz Ruffmane: +1 Armor & +1 Gladiator

Shieldbearer: Tank with Taunt

Djinn Renova: Caster with Strengthen

Adelade Brightwing: Caster with Flying & Repair

Captain Katie: Caster with Snipe & Bloodlust

Silvershield Sheriff: Ranged with Snipe

Pelacor Arbalest: Ranged with Double-Strike

Reverse Speed, Blast and Taking Sides created madness! Slower monsters were the ones that attacked firsts, dealing blast damage. Not having neutral monsters is not a big issue on 99 mana battles, as the top cards can be selected!

My opponent did well when choosing the summoner, as three of my units got their magic reduced! The extra armor from my summoner will compensate, as the team I was facing was mainly melee and ranged.

The Blast was the element I played with, as the Snipe will target different monsters and spread like wildfire! It looked like I faced a similar tactic, with the armor being constantly repaired. On top of that I had to also handle a healer, but thankfully I had units with Snipe!

The Diemonshark kept healing and getting armor back, but the Silvershield Sheriff and Captain Katie took care of the Deeplurker and the healer fish! The blast damage created havoc!

Armor repairs after armor repairs for both the Deimonshark and the Shieldbearer, but my tank kept safe his team with the Taunt. It was a wonderful end of battle, with the same shot taking down all the remaining monsters. One shot .... three kills! See the full battle here!

The bards sung a song about the tactics, and Franz was praised by the royals for many weeks. However, he was the only one to hear the cursed whispers...

In armor bright, the lion knight did stand, A heart so brave, yet tethered by fate's hand. Two ladies fair, each loved him true and deep, Yet cursed was he, in solitude to weep.

Adelaide's gaze, like morning's gentle light, With laughter sweet, she filled his days with flight. Yet shadows loomed where joy should brightly reign, For duty called, and love was left in pain.

Then Katie, bold, with fire in her eyes, Dreamt of a world beneath wide, starlit skies. But destiny, a cruel and twisting vine, Bound him in silence, to a fate malign.

As battles raged, his king fell to despair, The lion knight stood steadfast, unaware. With every swing, his heart grew heavy still, For glory meant naught when love was unfulfilled.

A final roar echoed, the silence fell, In shadows deep, a solitary knell. For he was cursed, a knight without a name, In love's embrace, he’d never stake a claim.

Adelaide and Katie, forever near, Yet he remained, untouched by love's sweet cheer. A lion brave, yet haunted by the pain, In the twilight of his life, he lived in vain.

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Content: Publish0x/ Hive / GrillApp

Play2Earn: Upland / Splinterlands / Doctor Who

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$ZEC: PipeFlare / GlobalHive

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