Here We Go Again! Remarkable Splinterlands Battles And Small Size Summoners

Gelatinous Cube: Support with Scavenger

Daarg Deadblast: Caster with Weapon Training and Swiftness

Ulundin Overseer: Support with Flank

Drybone Barbarian: Melee/Ranged with Double-Strike

Nimbledook Ranger: Ranged with Double-Strike

So the tactic I chose is not what you've expected? Will the Drybone Raider suffer big Thorns damage when he will double-strike with melee attacks? Hopefully, we will not fight that much!

Choosing three casters in a counterspell battle may look insane, but think again! The Ulundin brings 17 health into the fight, while the Gelatinous Cube will use Scavenger to live for longer! Basically I nullified the magic reflection with extra health!

But then is the other team! It can't get stronger than that! Iziar, Berix Snakeye, Helmet with Bloodlust and the OP Cornealus! Strong dynamics here!

Here we go again! Izair may be a strong but it couldn't handle an avalanche of spells and arrows! First one down! On my side... the Wave Brood was critically hit but survived to round!

Hell broke lose in the second round, as the Wave Brood had fallen! The Gelatinous Cubes were facing each other, but one had magic and the other arrows!

Berix demise was swift, but then Helmet Kharafax got rid of Daarg and boosted his stats through Bloodlust! It was still an even fight, but gladiator cards could turn the tides in a blink!

Half-way through and I just noticed the Venari Crystalsmith healing the Cube! This may turn into an issue! However, no need to worry about Bloodlust powered units... as the Nimbledoom Ranger landed to deadly arrows and bye bye Helmet!

Round four starter without healing support for my enemies, and we entered the end game! Cornealus couldn't see what was coming... pun intended! See the full battle here!

If you think that battle was crazy... what about squirrel and cat summoners? I feel that this is the Conflict that will finally give me an airdrop card! I bought some packs and staked some. Opened few and added more cards into the War Wagons!

I added another wagon to the 13 I already had for Conflicts, plus 6 packs added to reach 7880 HR! The fresh upgrade give me some hopes for the Jedi squirrel, with 49 chances earned so far!

The current hourly rate is forecasting 54 chances when this conflict will end, and may the odds be ever in my favor! I want this summoner, as RISQRUEL DRATH has the force! You know what else is remarkable? The 2500 HR given by the Great Porcupine!

Remarkable creature this Risqruel! He was renowned for his swift hands and an insatiable appetite for luxurious treats and shiny trinkets! Risqruel’s curiosity nearly costed his life when he tried to steal a powerful fey rune etched into the bark of a sacred tree.

The fey magic surged into Risqruel, awakening an intellect and magical prowess that were beyond those of a mere squirrel. With the legions of Chaos destroying his beloved forest by the hectares in their hunt for rebels, he found a new purpose.

The Fire/Earth summoner will give the Flying ability and +1 Ranged attack, plus a choice of other boosts! I want you Risqruel... you are remarkable! You could be my Little League Champion and the ruler of all creepy crawlers!

What about Tofu? This faithful feline is Faust beloved cat! The awakened tabby of supreme intelligence is always accompanied by his companions: Miso, a grey cat whose loyalty to her friends is surpassed only by her affection for food, and a tiny white kitten named Nori.

When Ahna-Chei fell to the demons of the Chaos Empire, Faust fled into the Bog of Wails. No fan of swamps, his felines scattered to drier pastures. Tofu, Miso, and Nori made their way to the Republic of Fireboro, where they've hatched a plan to restore their master as the rightful ruler of the Dark Eternals.

Eternal Tofu is the Rebellion set's Earth/Life legendary Tactics summoner. With his team-wide Snare and +2 Health, He's a perfect counter to your opponent's fliers, and he beefs up your team's survivability significantly.

On one side, you can give Divine Shield and Corrosive Ward to three units, allowing you to soak up the damage while negating your opponent's armor, giving you ample time to turn the tide in your favor.

On the other side, you can give Triage and Scavenger to one unit. Personally, this is one of my favorite combos. Put it on any beefy unit: Grimbardun Smith, Rage, Mantaroth, you name it. They keep your back row topped off or gain health with each death. Enough scavenges, and there's no stopping them!

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Play2Earn: Upland / Splinterlands / Doctor Who

Cashback Cards: Plutus Card /

Fountains: PipeFlare / GlobalHive ZCash

Creators bundle: Publish0x, Hive & Presearch

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